LGA responds to Sport England’s Year 1 Implementation Plan of their Uniting the Movement strategy


Responding to Sport England’s year 1 implementation plan of their new Uniting the Movement strategy, Chair of the Local Government Association’s Culture Tourism and Sport Board, Cllr Gerald Vernon-Jackson said:

“This is an exciting implementation plan that will enable people to return to the activities they most enjoy while partners and providers receive the necessary support to rebuild from the pandemic. It will lay the foundations for the provision of sustainable, inclusive opportunities in sport and activity.

“Despite significant financial challenges, councils are working hard to try and ensure sport and leisure facilities are available as they will have a key role to play in this implementation plan.

“We look forward to working collaboratively with Sport England and are pleased to see the first year of the plan emphasizes further investment and collaborative working across all sectors and partners.

“This will be essential if we are to tackle entrenched health inequalities and help the nation recover from COVID-19 – physically, mentally and economically.”

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