Motorists warned to slow down or pay the price



Motorists warned to slow down or pay the price

MOTORISTS in Carmarthenshire are being warned to watch their speed or pay the penalty.

Speeding is a major concern for communities and was a top priority in the recent Residents’ Survey carried out by the council.

As a result, a much work is being carried out by the Community Safety Partnership to reduce the speed of traffic and educate drivers about the consequences of driving too fast.

The partnership has funded a Speed Indicator Device for Neighbourhood Policing Teams to use with schools and community groups. Anyone caught going over the limit is stopped and asked to explain themselves to the children or residents.

It has also paid for three speed measurement devices for officers to deploy in areas where concerns of speeding have been raised by residents through PACT meetings. Anyone caught speeding faces a fine and points on their licence

Executive Board Member for Community Safety Cllr Pam Palmer said: “Road safety, and speeding in particular, is a key priority for the partnership and we will continue to work with communities to target speeding motorists.”

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