Google Searches Reveal Most-Wanted Wellbeing Products

Weighted Blanket
  • Weighted blankets are the most popular wellbeing product.
  • Alternative therapies feature in the top 10

Research by creative resource Design Bundles has found that weighted blankets are the UK’s most searched wellbeing product. The study analysed the number of Google searches for a variety of self-care and wellness products, from mindfulness aids to alternative therapies.

Top 10 most popular wellbeing products:

  1. Weighted Blanket
  2. Yoga Mat
  3. Bath Bombs
  4. Essential Oils
  5. Salt Lamp
  6. Stress Ball
  7. Healing Crystals
  8. Incense Burner
  9. SAD Lamp
  10. Essential Oil Diffuser

Topping the list is weighted blankets, which are designed to promote healthy sleep habits, and are said to benefit a variety of conditions, including anxiety and insomnia. A sensation like being held or hugged, weighted blankets could be the perfect gift for a loved one.

Whether it is building strength, increasing flexibility, or improving cardiovascular health, yoga is a jack-of-all trades when it comes to home fitness. A yoga mat is the essential item to step into the world of yoga, appearing second on the list.

Bath bombs come in third on the list. Baths are known to ease muscle pain, relieve skin conditions and improve sleep. Why not give someone the incentive to take the plunge? Retailers such as Lush strive to use natural and safe ingredients.

In fourth place are essential oils, which can be bought in boxed sets, featuring a range of ingredients each with a multitude of different benefits, primarily for aromatherapy. These can be simply inhaled straight from the bottle, diluted for use on the skin, or used in a diffuser, an accessory that appears at number ten on the list.

The UK’s fifth most searched wellbeing product is the Himalayan salt lamp, a bulb inside a large block of Himalayan pink salt. Not only is the warm glow emitted by these lamps an aesthetically appealing addition to a room, but is also claimed to improve sleep and boost mood.

The humble stress ball comes sixth in the list of most searched wellbeing items. While associated with stress, these can also be positive for dealing with anxiety and for use as a fidget toy for kids (and adults).

For those interested in the alternative therapy of crystal healing, sets of healing crystals are seventh on the list, and available to purchase, each synonymous with various self-caring properties including boosting confidence and creativity. 

A more traditional product at number eight on the list is incense burners. Burning incense is known to heighten your sense of spirituality and has been noted to aid relaxation and aid rituals such as yoga and meditation, delivering a more mindful experience.

In ninth place, SAD lamps are associated with managing seasonal affective disorder, an inducer of low mood and lack of energy during winter months due to darkness. The light emitted simulates that of the sun, improving mood and energy levels when there’s a lack of sunlight.

While purchasing essential oils, why not pick up the number one searched essential oil accessory, an Essential Oil Diffuser? These small household items dispense essential oils into the air, allowing you to inhale their beneficial properties.

A spokesperson from Design Bundles commented: “With the continuing struggles of a pandemic, self-care, whether through alternative therapy, mindfulness books or yoga, is of upmost importance. The healthy management of sleep, anxieties and mood is more prevalent than ever, and these wellbeing supports make an ideal gift for friends, family, or ourselves.”

1Weighted Blanket113000
2Yoga Mat73000
3Bath Bombs50000
4Essential Oils38000
5Salt Lamp33000
6Stress Ball31000
7Healing Crystals23000
8Incense Burner16000
9SAD Lamp15000
10Essential Oil Diffuser15000
11White Noise Machine12000
12Zen Garden11000
13Mindfulness Colouring11000
14Pillow Spray3900
15Meditation Cushion3600
16Affirmation Cards2600
17Self-Care Box2300
18Bath Oil1900
19Mindfulness Journal1700
20Dream Journal1100

The study was conducted by Design Bundles, which offers high quality premium design resources and a marketplace which allows graphic designers to register and sell their products.

For further information click on the  link for Design Bundles: who commissioned the research.

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