The Mere – Wedding Movies
The Mere Resort & Spa has gathered data on wedding movies, to discover what the ultimate wedding movie is and what tropes are most common in every movie.
Top Rated
We aggregated scores from IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes and Google to see which movie was the best of all. We also looked at run time to see how long each movie was.
Regional Favourites
Google keyword data was then used to see what the most popular streamed wedding movies were in the past 12 months in every region of the UK.
Wedding Tropes
We analysed each movie in our list of 100 movies and compared the common storyline traits to see what the classic wedding movie formula consisted of. From this we created a synopsis of the ultimate wedding movie.
. The longest ever wedding movie is Sex and the City (2008), run time at 145 mins
. Shortest wedding movie is Corpse Bride at 77 mins
. Average wedding movie is 103 minutes long
. 27 Dresses is the ultimate wedding movie – featuring the most tropes of all
. The Princess Bride is the top rated wedding movie – scoring 87 out of 100 review points
. Love, Weddings & Other Disasters is the worst rated wedding movie – scoring 47 out of 100
. It would take 158 hours to watch all wedding movies on our list
Top Ranked Wedding Movies:
THE PRINCESS BRIDE | 98 | 87.0 | 1987 |
SENSE AND SENSIBILITY | 136 | 85.3 | 1995 |
THE GRADUATE | 105 | 84.7 | 1967 |
PALM SPRINGS (2020 FILM) | 90 | 84.3 | 2020 |
THE HANGOVER | 100 | 84.0 | 2009 |
STEEL MAGNOLIAS | 117 | 83.0 | 1989 |
ABOUT TIME | 123 | 82.7 | 2013 |
COMING TO AMERICA | 116 | 82.7 | 1988 |
SIXTEEN CANDLES | 93 | 80.7 | 1984 |
THE WEDDING SINGER | 95 | 80.0 | 1998 |
Worst Ranked Wedding Movies:
LOVE, WEDDINGS & OTHER DISASTERS | 96 | 47.3 | 2020 |
LOVE, WEDDING, MARRIAGE | 91 | 49.0 | 2011 |
REC 3: GENESIS | 80 | 49.0 | 2012 |
LOVE WEDDING REPEAT | 100 | 49.3 | 2020 |
BACHELORETTE (FILM) | 87 | 50.7 | 2012 |
HOLY MATRIMONY (1994 FILM) | 124 | 53.3 | 1994 |
KISS THE BRIDE (2002 FILM) | 89 | 55.0 | 2002 |
JENNY’S WEDDING | 95 | 55.3 | 2015 |
CINDERELLA (2021 FILM) | 113 | 56.3 | 2021 |
BETSY’S WEDDING | 94 | 56.7 | 1990 |
Top Wedding Movies by Region
Yorkshire & Humberside | NW | NE | East | WM | EM |
Cinderella | Cinderella | Love Actually | Love Actually | Cinderella | Love Actually |
Wales | Scotland | N. Ireland | London | SE | SW |
Love Actually | Love Actually | Cinderella | Cinderella | Love Actually | Love Actually |
We compiled a list of tropes commonly found in wedding movies and scored each on our list according to which they featured. These were the most common found in most movies:
Trope |
Fairytale Wedding Dress |
Love Triangle |
Race for Love |
Bitter Wedding Speech |
Bridezilla |
Fourth Date Marriage |
Parental Marriage Veto |
Runaway Bride |
Vows Interrupted |
Unusual Marriage Proposal |
Wedding Finale |
Friends Pair-Up |
Further information can be found by clicking : who commissioned the data
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