Sleep experts reveal how to fall asleep in under FIVE minutes 


Getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, so failing to fall asleep at night can be detrimental to your well-being. Sleep expert Rosie Osmun from reveals the top tips on how to fall asleep in under just five minutes.  

What are some lifestyle changes I can make to fall asleep faster? 

Making slight changes to your sleep hygiene routine can help your sleep onset latency, or the time it takes you fall asleep. In other words, simple changes can enable you to fall asleep faster.  
Consistency is key when fixing your sleep schedule. A fluctuating sleep schedule can be confusing for your body’s internal clock (circadian rhythm), so we advise you to sleep and wake up at the same time each day, which eventually makes it easier to fall asleep quicker. 

Also, avoid taking long naps during the daytime. Long naps can throw off your sleep schedule, delaying sleep onset at night. You may also experience a groggy state after napping known as sleep inertia. Instead, stick to quick 30-minute power naps when needed. 

What should I do if I can’t sleep? 

If you are having trouble falling asleep, it is essential to avoid looking at your clock. When struggling to sleep, it’s difficult to resist curious glances at the clock to see how much time is left until morning. However, obsessing over the time may only cause stress and ultimately make it harder to fall asleep.  

Additionally, try to keep electronics out of your bedroom as much as possible to avoid a disrupted night’s sleep. Blue light from TV’s, laptops or phones can confuse our circadian rhythm and make it harder to fall asleep. Instead, try swapping looking at your phone with reading or completing a skincare routine, or any task that is relaxing enough to wind down before bedtime. 

How does the temperature of my bedroom affect my sleep? 

People with sleep insomnia tend to stay warm at night, contributing to their inability to sleep. The perfect bedroom temperature to fall asleep is between 15 and 19 degrees Celsius.  
If your room temperature is too warm, this can contribute to an increase in body temperature, making it harder to drift off and achieve deep sleep. Instead, make sure to cool down before bed and avoid using heavy and thick blankets, especially on warmer nights. 

Do relaxation techniques help you fall asleep faster? 

Yes, progression muscle relaxation (PMR) can help relax your body before bed. Aiming to ease any tension, the focus of this technique is to tense your muscles briefly before relaxing them: 

  1. Close your eyes and breathe slowly. 
  2. Tense your entire face (eyes, mouth, nose, jaw and lips) for approximately 10 seconds, then breathe deeply and relax your muscles. 
  3. Repeat this procedure of tensing and relaxing muscles down your body, from your shoulders and neck, all the way down to your calves and feet. 

As your tensed muscles become relaxed, you will feel them become relaxed, as they should be in order to fall asleep. 

What food makes you fall asleep fast?  

Studies have found that eating complex carbs approximately four hours before bedtime can shorten how long it takes to fall asleep, so try to incorporate healthy carbs into your dinner. Overly salty, fatty or spicy meals can cause acid reflux and heartburn, so avoid eating these late at night. Instead, try to opt for foods like sleep-promoting fruits and vegetables, such as cherries or bananas, to avoid nights of tossing and turning. 

Further information can be found at who provided the expert commentary. 

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