Roads, transport and parking is the top agenda item for residents in Wales


Science-based technology company, 3M, urges local authorities to address concerns felt by drivers, cyclists and pedestrians

Roads, transport and parking should be the number one agenda item for local authorities in 2022, according to more than two in five residents living in Wales (43%). The new research from science-based technology company, 3M reveals that within the region, this is the area most in need of attention ahead of community and leisure (39%), jobs, business and investment (39%) and housing (38%).

After more time spent working, travelling and exercising close to home in the past two years, 80% of people in Britain believe the pandemic has highlighted the need for vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians to be able to co-exist. However, there are specific factors preventing these groups from doing so in harmony. 

Accessibility for cyclists in Wales

It is estimated that one in five Brits now cycle in a typical week. However, in Wales almost a third of those who already cycle (31%) say that despite having access to cycle lanes where they live, they still wouldn’t feel safe enough to travel on a bike during peak times.

89% of this group don’t believe the right infrastructure is in place to allow them to ride safely and 58% say that their local authorities could do more to make the area more accessible to cyclists.

Drivers vs cyclists – the perception gap

The research has brought prevalent safety concerns and the contrasting opinions of road users to the fore, particularly when it comes to motorists and cyclists. Seven in 10 (70%) cyclists worry that drivers don’t know the correct etiquette when using roads with cycle lanes in their area. Meanwhile, only 53% of drivers confidently say that they know the latest Highway Code rules in relation to cyclists, which at the time of the study had not been updated since 2015.

Outside of lane usage, overtaking is a bone of contention for motorists and cyclists alike; 93% of drivers say they leave as much room when overtaking a cyclist as they would a car whereas 73% of cyclists say drivers pass too closely.

In Wales, one thing both parties do agree on is there not being clear enough road markings on cycle lanes for all road users – only 13% of motorists and 25% of cyclists feel there are clear visible markings in their area. The lack of visual guidance could be part of the problem when it comes to navigating shared road spaces, easily improved by solutions such as better signage that incorporates retroreflective technology, while also improving education on the Highway Code.

Andy Fish, Technical Specialist for 3M Transportation Safety Division, said:

“Just two months into 2022, plans are underway to improve and create new cycling infrastrure across many towns and villages in Wales. This research shows that irrespective of mode of transport, the majority of people want to be able to share spaces with others safely, and they are looking to their local authorities for support.

“At 3M we are actively encouraging local councils and highway authorities in Wales to participate in a pilot scheme that would allow their communities to benefit from traffic safety solutions designed to address some of the concerns expressed by drivers, cyclists and pedestrians.”

Drivers’ admitted lack of understanding of the Highway Code could be to blame for some of the frustrations they have towards cyclists – 86% say seeing two or more ride side-by-side is frustrating and 72% say they become frustrated simply by driving behind one.

This is in spite of it being legal for two cyclists to ride next to each other unless on narrow or busy roads or cycling round bends, along with recent rule changes including cyclists riding alone being instructed to use the centre of the lane in slower moving traffic.

To find out more about 3M’s leading road marking and signage solutions, such as 3M Diamond Grade DG3 reflective sheeting and 3M Stamark road marking tape, visit

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