6 Easy Tips To Keep Your Home Dust Free


A clean environment is essential for good health and lifestyle. However, it is a challenge to keep your home dust-free. Routine cleaning is often not enough to control all the dust that comes through every day. The dust collects in corners, doors and windows, ducts, hidden spaces, etc. The collected dust is the most significant source of infections, allergies, and diseases. Also, mold, bacteria, pollen, insects, etc., develop and spread due to the collected dust. Therefore, it is essential to clean your house regularly by using the right tools and techniques. Below, you can find six ways that will help you keep your home clean and germ-free. 

6 Tips to Keep Your Home Clean

Cover Externals Sources of Dust

Doors, windows, vents, and ducts are another source of dust in a home. Therefore, you must keep them covered to avoid dust inside your home. You can use outside vent covers to protect any open vents or ducts in your house structure. Also, use curtains for doors and windows to prevent dust from entering your home. You may use wooden or plastic blinds instead of fabric curtains for easy cleaning. However, it is essential to clean your covers from time to time to get rid of dust collected on them over time.

Source: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2021/01/18/16/56/blinds-5928692_960_720.jpg 

Use Doormats and Home Shoes

Shoes are the primary source of dust in the home. Hence, door mats must be placed at all external doors of the home. You must ensure that no one enters the house without scrubbing off their shoes on the doormat. Also, you can keep separate home shoes. It means that your outdoor shoes must be kept outside your home in a rack or a cupboard. And you use only the footwear meant for home inside your home premises. It will control dust from getting into your home through your footwear. It is an effective way of controlling dust in your home.

Use the Right Cleaning Supplies

The next important thing to keep in mind for a dust-free home is to use the right cleaning supplies. A simple dry cloth is not enough to get rid of the dust. It only removes the dust from the surface and suspends it in the air. Instead, use a microfiber duster that collects dust into itself. The dust particles are stuck to the microfiber duster instead of being displaced from the surface to the air. Also, you can use good quality and safe cleaning agents to get rid of dust and germs. 

Source: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/02/10/14/21/wiper-2055246_960_720.png 

Keep Your Home Organized 

A clutter-free and organized home can keep your environment dust-free. Dust accumulates more when there is clutter, or things are kept unorganized. Hence, keep your wardrobe, closets, cupboards, etc., organized and clean. Try to keep your stuff in an organized manner. You must also clean your closets from time to time. Regular cleaning of cupboards avoids dust bunnies in them. You can also keep your things in containers or bags to protect them from dust. You must store your clothes in plastic bags that are not used often. An organized and tidy space will be easier to clean than an unorganized space.

Regularly Clean your Carpets and Sheets

The bedsheets and carpets in your house act as storage space for dust and other particles. The dust gets trapped in the fibers and can spread germs and allergies in the house. Therefore, they must be cleaned regularly. The carpets can be vacuumed daily and washer or dry-cleaned from time to time. The bedsheets and pillow covers must be changed and washed regularly. The dust particles trapped in the bedsheet or pillow can directly harm your body when you sit or sleep on them. The dust will come in direct contact with your skin, and you may breathe those particles while sleeping. Hence, the chances of contracting allergies through bedsheets and pillows are very high. Therefore, you must change them frequently to ensure cleanliness and health safety. 

Source: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/01/14/12/48/hotel-1979406_960_720.jpg 

Clean Difficult to Reach Places Often

There are many corners and spaces in a house that are difficult to reach and clean regularly. However, it does not mean that you never clean them. You must clean such spaces often. For example, you can clean ceiling fans once a month or clean upper shelves every 15 days. You must organize such cleaning to avoid complicated and deep cleansing later on. Hence, such places must also be cleaned. The later you clean, the more dust will accumulate, spreading allergies or infections.

Source: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/10/13/17/17/background-2848310_960_720.png 


Cleaning is an essential part of keeping your home dust-free. With some easy and smart tricks, you can manage to keep your house cleaner. Also, it will keep your and your family’s health safe by avoiding unnecessary dust and particles in your home. You must try the above practices for a cleaner and safer environment at your home. A little effort before can save a lot of effort later. If you need some support in cleaning, find out more here for help and cleaning tips. “

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