Ceredigion’s Young People take part in Europe’s biggest youth consultation!


2,160 young people aged between 11 and 18 (37% of the population) across Ceredigion voted in this year’s, Make Your Mark, ballot, making Ceredigion the only Welsh Authority to reach to top 20 UK areas (based on percentage turnout).

In February 2022, Ceredigion took part in the Make Your Mark ballot. Make Your Mark gives young people aged 11-18 in the UK the chance to have a say on the biggest issues facing young people. The annual ballot, which has been running for over 10 years focuses on matters such as health and education. 

Health and Wellbeing was the most voted topic by Ceredigion’s young people with 483 votes, closely followed by Jobs, Money, Homes and Opportunities with 451 votes. Environment received 405 votes and Education & Learning with 371 votes. Other matters also voted on were Poverty, Covid-19 Recovery and Our Rights & Democracy.

Ceredigion Youth Council’s annual event, to be held later this year, will focus on a number of these important topics, whereby young people will raise questions with a panel of guest speakers.

Gwion Bowen, Children and Young People’s Participation Officer, Ceredigion Youth Service said, “It’s vitally important that young people are given a platform to raise their voice, particularly on issues which affect them. The Make Your Mark Campaign is a valuable opportunity for young people aged 11-18 across Ceredigion to influence the topics discussed as part of the UKYP programme, and we’re pleased that so many young people participated this year. We’d like to thank our team of Youth Workers, Secondary Schools and FE Colleges across the County for supporting us to host the ballot again this year.”

For more information or to view the British Youth Council’s Make Your Mark 2022 report, visit: https://2u6szgq3e9x2hmfuy16guf8q-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/UK-Youth-Parliament-Make-Your-Mark-Results-Report-2022.pdf

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