Brand ambassador for student accommodation provider, UniHomes, shares top tips for managing your mental health this Mental Health Awareness Week

University is an adventure for all students, filled with endless opportunities from socialising at events, to moving to a new city and experiencing that sweet taste of independence.

However, a report from UCAS* found that the number of UK applicants declaring a mental health condition upon applying for their studies increased by 450% from 2020 to 2021.

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK, so leading student accommodation provider UniHomes have teamed up with one of their Brand Ambassadors, Yasmin Jukes, to provide some advice and learnings on how to manage your mental health whilst completing your studies.

1. Budgeting

Living away from home independently is a big change, and financial stress on top of this can be a burden on student stress levels. By budgeting, you can cut out unnecessary purchases so you can maximise where your money is being spent. If you’re struggling with money, speak to your university student union, who will be able to offer advice and support.

2. Home is where the heart is

Whilst it is exciting living in a new city and making new friends, don’t lose touch with your home network. Making time to call or Facetime your support system provides a great home comfort. Feeling homesick is temporary and lots of other students will be in the same position as you, so feeling connected to home as much as possible, from arranging visits from home friends, to decorating your bedroom with photos of your hometown memories is a great way to make yourself feel at ease.

3. Self-awareness

University is a new chapter for many, but it’s important you put yourself and your mental health first. Make the most of opportunities that come your way, however, never feel pressured or compare yourself to others. Self-awareness will lead to becoming a better version of yourself and putting yourself and your needs first.

4. Planning

We’ve all been there – assignment deadlines begin to creep in and you’re suddenly feeling incredibly overwhelmed. Whilst it may be harder than it seems, planning your time effectively is a great way to reduce your stress levels and make you feel in control. Consider purchasing a diary, or creating an online document to help monitor your upcoming deadlines.

5. Let’s get physical

Moving to a new town or city is the perfect opportunity for you to engage in activities you may not have been able to access before. Whether it’s joining a society at your university, to trying a new sport or fitness class, physical activity has a huge potential at enhancing our overall mental wellbeing.

Whilst focusing on managing your own mental health takes number one priority, it’s important to check in with your friends to see how they’re getting on too. It will mean a lot to your friends to ask how their day was, or how they are feeling. This is most likely to be reciprocated and having friends that we feel we can confide in and trust can contribute hugely to our overall mental wellbeing.

Charities such as Student Minds are dedicated to bettering the mental health of students across the UK, but there is still more work to do to eliminate myths and stigma surrounding mental health, especially amongst the student population.

For further information on UniHomes and their team of Brand Ambassadors, please visit www.unihomes.co.uk

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