A new nationwide study has revealed a list of Cardiff’s favourite fragrances, with some surprising results.

As well as Cardiff’s love for the smell of bacon frying (46 percent), freshly baked bread (45 percent) and freshly ground coffee (41 percent), the list also included petrol (24 percent) and sharpie pens (19 percent).

The research into fragrances, commissioned by vaping brand blu, also revealed that 19 percent of respondents adore the smell of sharpie pens, while 10 percent can’t get enough of the whiff of nail polish remover.

Also on the list of Cardiff’s favourite scents are the streets after a downpour (45 percent), fresh roses (41 percent) and vanilla (38 percent).

It seems that scents that remind us of our favourite times of year are particularly popular, with bonfires (20 percent), pine needles (19 percent) and fireworks (14 percent) all on the list. While sun cream (20 percent) evokes memories of happy holidays.

In fact, 74 percent of respondents in Cardiff believe that smells can transport them back to happy times in their life, like their childhoods, weddings and holidays.

The study also found that 78 percent said that scent had a really big impact on their mood, with 38 percent saying that they actively surrounded themselves with fragrances that calmed them or made them feel better.

And scents can also impact on love lives, with 41 percent of people claiming they wouldn’t have a second date with someone who wore perfume or aftershave that they didn’t like.

And you might want to hold off on applying that expensive scent before a date, as 74 percent said they’d rather be with someone who smelled of a freshly washed t-shirt than aftershave or perfume.

And 35 percent said that if someone is wearing a former partner’s scent they immediately think of their ex.

Colette Flowerdew-Kincaid, Digital Content Manager at blu: says “While the more obvious, conventional smells like bacon frying and freshly ground coffee have topped the list of favourites, what’s interesting to see is that Brits clearly have a love for some fairly weird smells too – particularly things like petrol and chlorine! But no matter what our favourite aroma might be, it’s great that some can take us back to happy memories like a holiday on the beach or help us feel more relaxed.”

Edinburgh and Stoke on Trent were the cities most appreciative of strange smells, where 30 percent of people said they liked unusual scents in each – compared to a national average of 28 percent.


  1. Bacon frying                                                  46%
  2. Freshly baked bread                                   45%
  3. The smell after a downpour/rain             45%
  4. Freshly ground coffee                                 41%
  5. The smell of roses                                       41%
  6. The scent of vanilla                                     39%
  7. The sea                                                         38%
  8. Freshly cut grass                                          37%
  9. A cake baking in the oven                          35%
  10. Roast beef                                                     30%
  11. Freshly washed linen                                  28%
  12. Onions frying                                                28%
  13. Lavender                                                       27%
  14. Freshly washed sheets                                27%
  15. The smell of a new car                                27%
  16. Petrol                                                            24%
  17. Honeysuckle                                                 24%
  18. Freshly squeezed lime                                23%
  19. A baby’s head                                               23%
  20. Bubble gum                                                  22%
  21. Melted chocolate                                        20%
  22. Bonfires                                                       20%
  23. Sun cream                                                   20%
  24. Pine needles                                                19%
  25. Garlic frying                                                19%
  26. Rosemary                                                   19%
  27. Sharpie pens                                               19%
  28. Buttered popcorn                                        18%
  29. Freshly washed hair                                    18%
  30. Jasmine                                                      18%
  31. Leather                                                       16%
  32. A blown out match                                      15%
  33. Peanut butter                                              15%
  34. Fireworks                                                    14%
  35. Marzipan                                                     14%
  36. Thyme                                                        12%
  37. Rain                                                            11%
  38. Mulled wine                                                 11%
  39. Almonds                                                      11%
  40. New books                                                   10%
  41. Nail polish remover                                     10%
  42. Deep heat                                                    10%
  43. New tennis balls                                          8%
  44. Chlorine/the swimming pool                     7%
  45. Stilton cheese                                               7%
  46. Fresh paint                                                    7%
  47. Furniture polish                                           7%
  48. Wet dog                                                         7%
  49. Coriander                                                      5%
  50. Cigar smoke                                                  5%
  51. Gin                                                                4%
  52. Marmite                                                        4%
  53. Varnish                                                          3%
  54. Makeup remover wipes                             3%                                                                                

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