Helen Mary Jones A Strong Voice For Llanelli

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Happy New Year to everyone. 2016 will be an important year for Llanelli and Wales. We’ll get the chance to elect a new Government in Wales committed to delivering for our health service, the education of our children and the protection of our vital public services.
Over the next few months in the build-up to the Assembly election in May, I am looking forward with my team to continuing to knock as many doors as possible in order to listen to people’s local concerns and make the case for a Party of Wales government.
Do we want more of the same? Or do we want a fresh new start with a government that believes in Wales and knows we can build a successful economy so we can afford the public services that we all deserve – a Plaid Cymru government?
Plaid has a comprehensive programme for government, as the election approaches we’ll be announcing a number of innovative measures to take our nation forward. We will be aiming to close the gap between Wales and the rest of the UK when it comes to our health and education services as well as reversing the managed decline of our economy. 
The people of Wales have an important choice to make next year. Do we wont more of the same? Or do we want a fresh star with a government that believes in Wales and knows we can build a successful economy so we can afford the public services we deserve – a Plaid Cymru Government.
This week, we have launched our ‘Cancer Contract’ which will help speed up diagnosis and ensure that patients can access the drugs and treatments that they need. The contract includes our commitment to bring waiting times down with a diagnosis or the all clear within 28 days. A new treatments fund giving access to new medicines based on what the doctor prescribes not your postcode and ensuring one to one support for each patient before, during and after treatment. 
This innovative plan will make a real difference for patients and their families here in Llanelli and across Wales. 
I was extremely saddened over the New Year to hear of the loss of our Dyfed-Powys police helicopter. Plaid led the fight locally to save the helicopter. Strong feelings were expressed by local residents when my team collected signatures via a petition in Town Centre.  I fully support my Plaid Cymru colleague Jonathan Edwards MP for Carmarthen East and Dinefwr in saying those responsible for its loss should hang their heads in shame. 
It is clear the Tory Police and Crime Commissioner did not listen to the views of our communities by not opposing the loss of our dedicated service. Plaid’s candidate for Dyfed-Powys commissioner Dafydd Llywelyn will stand up for our communities if elected in May.
I want to express my personal thanks to the crew and former crews for their dedication over the years.
Finally, over the festive period we have witnessed some awful scenes of flooding across the country including here in Llanelli. . The Welsh government must now sit down and listen to local authorities and our communities who are calling for a long-term flood defence strategy. My thoughts are with everyone who has been affected and I want to thank as always the work of all our emergency services in keeping us safe. 
Helen Mary Jones
Assembly Candidate for Llanelli
Plaid Cymru

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