10 Things You Can Do To Read More


Life is busy – too busy sometimes to make room for even the most intellectually enriching activities, reading being one of these for many people. This article will look at ten ways you can boost your reading stats if you’re one of the many for whom reading doesn’t even get a look in.

Allocate time in your day

Whether you set aside half an hour before bedtime to read, carry a book on public transport or take yourself to a bench with your novel during lunch breaks, make sure you allot some time every day to read. Doing this will turn reading into one of the ingrained mini habits throughout the day.

Set realistic goals

For those that need structure, why not set some goals? If you’re really allergic to reading, try splitting the text into smaller bites and aiming to read five pages daily. Perhaps a goal of one or two chapters per week would be more suitable for seasoned readers who simply lack the time.

Join a Book Club

A good tip for readers who lose motivation to continue a book is to join a local book club. Doing this will give structure to your reading, as well as a motive to get the reading done – that is, not looking daft at book club and being able to participate in the discussion.

Switch Up the Genre

If you’re always reading romantic fiction (you’ll be thoroughly disappointed in what real life has to offer, but that’s by the by), then it should be no surprise that you’re losing motivation and getting bored. It’s a good idea to swap genres every once in a while and step out of your comfort zone. Try a sci-fi novel or some historical fiction for a change of literary scenery.

Listen Instead!

Audiobooks have become a wildly popular medium for getting through a book without reading a single word. With nifty smartphone apps that make this possible, why not enjoy your daily commute with your eyes closed (unless, of course, you drive to work) and let your reader get you lost in the novel?

Take Breaks During Long Spells of Reading

If you’re not someone who can handle reading for hours on end (entirely normal), don’t try and force it. This especially applies if you’re reading a heavy or emotionally tiring book or one that requires a lot of concentration and focus. Take breaks to declutter your mind and give your eyes rest.

Buy Books in Charity Shops

If the cost of books puts you off, have a look at the book selection next time you pass a charity shop. Books in charity shops are usually under five pounds and can be in mint condition. What’s more? It’s for a good cause!

Pick Activities to Swap for Reading

Whether it’s cutting your time spent scrolling on social media or only watching one episode of your favourite TV show instead of bingeing several, choose one of your worst time-passing habits and try to switch it for some time with your head buried in a book.

Carry a Book With You While On the Move

You’ll be surprised by how many opportunities are presented to you throughout the day where it would be handy to have a book in tow. If you always carry a book with you, you’ll find yourself reading at several interludes throughout the day.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ditch!

Stick two fingers up to the stigma in your head about quitting a book before the end. If you don’t like what you’re reading by around 40 pages or four chapters in, you can safely say you’ve given it a chance, and there’s no shame in giving it up to move on to better books.


By making sure to practise these habits in your daily routine, you’ll be gliding your way through novels in no time.

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