Welsh Government publishes school Categorisation results

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New information on the performance of Primary and Secondary schools in Wales has been published today.

The Welsh Government has released the results of its National School Categorisation system which sees schools being put into one of four colour coded support categories on an annual basis in order to demonstrate the level of support it needs.

Under the system there are four categories –  green, yellow, amber and red.  Schools in the green category are already doing well and are deemed to be in need of  the least support while schools  in the red category are those identified as needing the most support.

Each school’s category is determined by a range of factors including  the quality of its  leadership, its performance data, self evaluation by the school and its wider  capacity to improve. Local authorities and regional consortia also have a key role to play in deciding the categories of  schools in their areas.

The Welsh Government has also  said  those schools in the green category have a key role to play in supporting schools in the  yellow, amber and red categories  to improve.

Speaking about the latest Categorisation results, Education Minister, Huw Lewis said:

“We introduced our National Schools  Categorisation system to help us identify those schools in need of most support and so we could assesses schools on their performance and  ability to improve.

“The system helps us to identify schools needing the most support and guidance, those doing well but that could be doing better,  and those that are highly effective and can help others improve.

“This is not about crude league tables or labelling schools –it is about directing the right support to schools that need it and ensuring  improvements right across our school system.  Ultimately it is about raising standards and supporting our schools to self improve.

“Categorisation is also a system that delivers for all learners. Schools cannot just rely on the performance of their top students as any school performing below the agreed minimum standard for its free school meal pupils will not been put into the green category.”

Categorisation has been developed collectively with the Education sector. Eifion Evans, Chair of  the  Association of Directors of Education in Wales (ADEW) said:

“ADEW are reassured by the rigour and robustness of school categorisation, both at a regional and national level.  Fairness and consistency within the process are critical to the continuous support and development of schools in Wales.”

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