The Health Guru – February 2023


Welcome to February’s update, where there is a promise of Spring just around the corner and therefore new seedlings and new hope. It is also my favourite month as it’s Valentine’s, my son and my birthdays and we get to staycation as its half-term.

For some, Valentine’s can be a lonely time and if seeking a soul mate or dealing with the loss of a spouse, this time of year can be hard. This is where self-love and self-care come in and could be as simple as finding something that makes your soul sing or taking time out to walk in nature, be creative or join a group. There are some excellent online groups such as Versus Arthritis or Age Cymru or plenty on Facebook, for creative younger people. I have joined some fitness and healthy eating groups and I have taken part in Veganuary, continuing into February.

Self-care is not easy as we often forget to look after ourselves. So, I splashed out on some bubble bath and candles (these are so reasonable at Aldi). These and a good book are usually all it takes. That, and some good vegan chocolate!

We ate out at Waverley in Carmarthen that served a good vegan breakfast and bought some goodies from the shop. Although, disappointingly, we could not grab a hearty lunch that was not served on a Saturday. We all enjoyed being virtuous and the staff are so friendly, we will be returning.

Many of my friends or colleagues report that they cannot sleep so here are a few tips:

A circadian rhythm is a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and repeats roughly every 24 hours thus, to regulate sleep:

  1. Get outside as close to sunrise and sunset as possible.
  2. Expose yourself to natural light throughout the day.
  3. Normalise mealtimes.
  4. Avoid napping (just for now).
  5. Switch to amber lights after sunset. 
  6. Limit screen use after sunset. 
  7. Go to sleep as soon as you are sleepy after sunset.
  8. Make sure all lights are off in the bedroom and devices are turned off.

General stress symptoms include: Feeling overwhelmed, irritable, wound up, anxious, racing thoughts, constant worrying, difficulty concentrating, difficulty making decisions, headaches, racing heart, tiredness, pain, tension, sleep problems, eating too much or too little, drinking or smoking to excess and snapping at people. I am sure we can all relate to some of these symptoms and we therefore need strategies for when stress strikes, or scenarios become overwhelming. These can include:

  • Counselling for stress management, where stress leads to drug and alcohol abuse. Counselling can also help with other stressors such as divorce, bereavement and family pressures (see your GP for a referral).
  • Relaxation techniques including deep breathing, articulating short and long-term goals and identifying steps to achieve them. Abstaining from alcohol or reducing intake as well as caffeine. If bullying is a factor at work, for example, contact ACAS or your union. Stress should also be assessed in an employer’s risk assessment.
  • It is important to take up a hobby; many are knitting, making rugs, baking, keeping chickens, going fishing or spending more leisure time with loved ones. Listen to stress management podcasts or those on managing anxiety. Many are now advocating a mental health day, that is not being selfish but taking time for ourselves for self-care. When our spouse is at work or our kids are at school. It can help regroup our mind, body and soul, so go for that spa day! My recent visit to Machynys turned out to be more men than women!

You will become more productive and nicer to be around. It will also give your immune system a boost by recharging and preventing burn-out. 

Nothing beats being out in nature or having a good night’s sleep for restorative properties after a stressful period, so go for that massage.

Not sure if I mentioned before that a teen saw my sensor and asked me if I was an android, with it placed on my arm. It is certainly a topic of conversation! I also got some funny looks in Starbucks when I had my cardigan on. Using my phone to read, dropping blood sugars on your phone, is no fun when you are turning it around and tapping your arm half a dozen times. I look like I am doing a monkey impression whilst taking a photo of someone!

Take care of yourselves, sleep well and happy February!

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