Britons back steel: Two thirds of the British public support the Government investing in the decarbonisation of the steel industry


Recent polling by YouGov found nearly two thirds of GB adults support the Government investing in the steel industry to support decarbonisation. It reflects a growing consensus among the public that the country needs to transition towards greener technologies and industries to reduce its impact on the environment.

But the public doesn’t just see investing in green steel as part of the move to net zero. It’s also about ensuring their country, in an increasingly uncertain world, has a secure, resilient and strong manufacturing sector. 

While politicians debate the future of the UK steel industry, the public’s view is clear.

More than seven in ten GB adults would prefer the UK government

to invest in UK steel to support jobs and manufacturing in the UK

rather than sourcing steel from abroad

Chairman Henrik Adam said: “The UK steel industry is at a crossroads – we must decide whether to give up on steel, and in doing so lose our steel self-sufficiency and resilience as well as thousands of well-paid jobs in steel communities. Or, we take an alternative path and transform the way we make steel to make it fit for the future.”

Port Talbot

Around two thirds (67%) of GB adults think it is important to have a 

secure British supply of steel

“This is a hugely exciting opportunity, which would secure steel supplies for the UK’s future, supercharge levelling up, and create well-paid, high-skilled jobs. Critically, it would play an essential part in achieving the UK’s net zero ambitions. This opportunity is Green Steel.

“The UK has a proud history of steelmaking, but we need to look forward. Britain could lead the next technological leap forward to produce Green Steel for the wind and solar farms to power us, the electric vehicles rolling off the production lines, the major infrastructure projects, and the efficient green buildings of the future”, says Tata Steel UK’s Chairman Henrik Adam

“The public understands that having a secure supply of primary manufacturing material today is as important as it has ever been. Anyone who has witnessed supply chain shortages in recent years – from PPE and semi-conductors during the pandemic to the shortage of domestic energy production – knows the importance of building domestic resilience in essential industries. 

“In a volatile and uncertain world, a strong domestic steel industry is a vital pillar of our economic independence, industrial resilience and national security. There is clear support from voters for a plan for the future where Britain leads the world in the Green Industrial Revolution, we can grasp it now or watch this great opportunity slip away.”

YouGov polling of 2024 adults in GB, fieldwork 17-18 January 2023

READ: Tata Steel UK Chairman Henrik Adam’s opinion piece here:

LISTEN:  to Tata Steel UK’s podcast series on decarbonising the steel industry here or via these QR codes.

Chairman Tata Steel UK, Dr Henrik Adam

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