New survey reveals how you should act when calling a tradesperson out for a job

By photo taken by flickr user rick - flickr, CC BY 2.0,

Research by Toolstation reveals how tradespeople and clients feel about each other’s behaviour

  • 74% of tradespeople would like to be offered a cup of tea during the day

  • 92% of tradespeople would not expect to be tipped for their work

  • Belfast, Birmingham and London are named the most generous tippers of tradespeople

  • 33% of clients say the most annoying thing tradespeople can do is leave a mess in their workspace

  • For tradespeople, the most complained about action is when clients don’t pay on time (46%)

There can be many preconceptions when it comes to the expected etiquette between clients and tradespeople, how should we act around each other during a job?

To dig into this, Toolstation spoke to both tradespeople and clients to get their opinions on the matter.

Chatting through the day

45% of clients do not mind a tradesperson having a chat with them, and a further 24% said that they like a conversation with them. Only 17% do not like it.

The majority (71%) of tradespeople don’t mind a chat with a client, and 22% like it. A very small amount (7%) do not like having a chat.

Having a casual chat throughout the day is something both sides can mostly agree on, as most results for this are positive. But what kind of behaviour annoys both clients and tradespeople?

Asking clients: What are the most complained about things tradespeople do?

  1. 33% vote for leaving a mess in their work area and not cleaning up

  2. Just over a quarter (26%) voted for showing up late to work.

  3. 23% voted for raising the price after one was already agreed.

Asking tradespeople: What are the most complained about things clients do?

  1. 46% of tradespeople voted for not paying on time

  2. A further 35% voted for clients trying to reduce the already agreed payment

  3. 33% voted for not cleaning the area before the tradesperson arrives.

Clearly breaking financial agreements and keeping an area tidy are things that annoy both clients and tradespeople, as the results reflect.

In the full study, we ask both sides more questions on the matter of etiquette, such as how tradespeople feel about pets near their workspace, and how clients feel about offering food and drink to their workers. Toolstation also shows which cities in the UK give tradespeople the best tips.

See the full piece here:

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