‘No more project fear’: Welsh Tory Leader calls for a more positive tone in EU debate

The Leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Andrew RT Davies, has called for “a more positive tone” to the EU debate, and an end to the doomsday predictions of “Armageddon” if Britain votes to leave the European Union.
Both campaigns, he insisted, should focus on an honest, positive debate of the competing visions of the future for Britain in the remaining weeks of the campaign.
Mr Davies said the referendum was a straight choice between a looser partnership with our European neighbours based on boosting economic prosperity; or endorsing a greater political union between European nation states.
Writing for the Institute of Welsh Affairs, Mr Davies said:
“We need to see an honest, open and positive debate of the choices facing the public on June 23, and voters will see right through the doomsday prophecies. Frankly, if Armageddon really was waiting just the other side of a vote to leave the EU then it would never have been put to a public vote.
“That’s why, in the last few weeks of the campaign it’s time for a more positive tone from all sides.
“If you back Remain then be honest and open about what that means for the future of this country, because I’m sure there are plenty of people who would support the idea of the EU taking on more and more of the functions of a nation state, such as tax-raising powers, or control over health policy.
“But that’s not the case being put to voters, who are instead being encouraged to fear the idea of change – not invited to buy into a positive vision.”
Mr Davies added:
“On the continent itself people are much more open about the EU and the political union it has become, but for some reason here in the UK there is an apparent reluctance to call it what it is.
“In reality, a vote to remain in the EU amounts to a vote for a United States of Europe, which is fine if you support that; many people across the continent do. But be in no doubt that it’s a one way road to ever closer political union.
“On the other hand, there are people like myself who believe that we should stay true to the principals on which we originally joined the EU; to drive the UK towards economic prosperity and to boost trading relationships with our neighbours.
“It is my belief that we can no longer achieve those aims within the EU, and that’s why I’m backing a Vote to Leave.”
Mr Davies suggested that a fully-fledged EU Government would continue to expand its reach over the affairs of its member states, taking on more of the characteristics of a nation in its own right:
“The EU project is political in nature and its reach will only continue to expand in coming years. It already has a distinct presence in foreign affairs, a fledgling defence force, national flags and an anthem.
“The logical next step is for the EU to develop tax-raising powers, particularly with the Euro so central to the project.
“For my part, I don’t buy into the vision of the EU as my nation and a Vote to Leave would be a shot in the arm for British democracy, and allow us to take back control over our economy and trade.

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