Decoding Celebrity Relationships: Body Language Expert Forecasts The 5 Couples on the Brink of Divorce and Set to Say ‘I Do’

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay
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A body language expert has revealed the odds of a top celebrity couple heading for divorce or engagement in 2024, in partnership with a leading online casino platform.

The unbiased online casino review platform, Casino, has partnered with body language expert and celebrity psychic Inbaal Honigman to reveal the odds of celebrity couple breakups and engagements. The analysis into the complexities of feuds and human relationships has been released in line with the launch of the platform’s Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) service, a formal complaint management system.

The expert analysed a series of recent images and videos of popular A-list celebrities, including paparazzi and red carpet photographs, along with candid videos capturing moments between the couples. The couples have been ranked in order of most likely to say ‘I do’ in 2024, and who is most likely to break up.

Top 5 couples most likely to break up according to body language expert:

(Ranked most likely to least likely)

  1. Hailey and Justin Bieber – 100% headed for split
  2. Tom Clare and Molly Smith – 85% risk of Molly leaving Tom
  3. Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck – 75% risk of splitting unless they go to couples counselling
  4. Taika Waititi and Rita Ora – 70% risk of splitting up
  5. Michelle Keegan and Mark Wright – 55% of a split

With more than half (55%) of human communication being non-verbal, body language serves as a highly revealing indicator of couples’ sentiments toward each other. In the case of couples such as Hailey and Justin Bieber, along with the newly paired Love Island winners Tom Clare and Molly Smith, their expressive body language strongly suggests that the future of their relationships is leaning significantly towards separation.

Insights from the body language expert suggest that Hailey and Justin Bieber are the couple most likely to be on the verge of a breakup. Recently seen at the Superbowl, the expert notes that recent paparazzi images of the pair ‘reveal a glaring lack of compatibility, making one wonder how they are still together.’ The couple exhibits minimal acknowledgement of each other, with Justin comfortably situated in his space and Hailey in hers. Frequently, they are observed facing away from each other, suggesting a reluctance to be in close proximity. “Even when they walk, they display a lack of synchronisation, displaying not a single body language sign of compatibility”, said Inbaal Honigman.

Tom Clare and Molly Smith, winners of the recent Love Island All-Stars, rank as the second most probable couple to part ways. According to the body language expert, there is an ‘85% likelihood of Molly ending the relationship,’ citing an apparent one-sided dynamic. Spotted at the airport on the way back from South Africa and on Lorraine, Tom consistently displays affection towards Molly, often kissing her head and placing his arm around her. Conversely, Molly doesn’t always reciprocate Tom’s affection and will look away from him, indicating that he may not be her top priority even though she holds the top spot in his priorities.

According to Inbaal, Bennifer faces a 75% risk of splitting without couples counselling. Despite their frequent displays of affection, such as standing close, holding each other’s waists, and maintaining eye contact, their quarrels are marked by large, dramatic, and passionate movements, reflecting the overwhelming stress they experience on certain days. Explosive and impatient body language characterises their disagreements.

Taika Waititi and Rita Ora face a 70% risk of splitting despite their couple-like body language. While they often lean towards each other and walk in step, noticeable cracks emerge. Facial expressions reveal a mismatch, with Taika appearing optimistic and Rita displaying signs of anxiety through lowered brows and a jutting chin.

Lastly, with a 55% chance of splitting up, are Michelle Keegan and Mark Wright. The couple have been together for a few years, and although they appear disinterested and distracted walking together, Inbaal points out that this isn’t necessarily cause for concern. Michelle tends to look straight ahead when they walk together, focused and determined, without checking in with Mark. While Mark seems to look to the sides often, instead of making eye contact with Michelle. Without learning to prioritise one another again, it could be likely that the couple will drift apart.

Top 5 couples most likely to get engaged according to body language expert:

(Ranked most likely to least likely)

  1. Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce – 100% getting engaged in 2024
  2. Zendaya and Tom Holland – 95% getting engaged
  3. Jade Thirlwall and Jordan Stephens – 90% talking about spending their lives together
  4. Alex Scott – 85% headed down the aisle
  5. Maya Jama and Stormzy – 75% planning their future together

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are a masterclass in loved-up body language, topping the list for most likely to get engaged. The expert’s insights reveal that they are ‘often touching each other in a gentle and non-intrusive way, which shows mutual care and respect.’ Recently pictured at Sydney Zoo and at the Superbowl, the pair are often seen walking in step, Kelce’s right leg rises with hers and vice versa. Kelce also has a ‘protective arm’ around Taylor showing that he ‘feels responsible for her happiness’.

The body language expert said, “These details mean there is a chance that the couple are already secretly engaged.”

Inbaal’s insights reveal a 95% likelihood of Zendaya and Tom Holland getting engaged. The couple consistently prioritises each other, evident in their affectionate gestures such as laughing together, tightly holding hands, and placing hands on each other. Tom’s independent body language is complemented by moments where he subtly places Zendaya’s hand behind him, possibly indicating a protective instinct.

Little Mix star Jade Thirlwall and Jordan Stephens score a 90% likelihood of discussing a future together, as their beaming facial expressions consistently reflect their deep happiness. The couple’s joy is unmistakable, with no traces of frowns or polite smiles; instead, they exude genuine delight through radiant smiles, sparkling teeth, narrowed eyes, and rounded cheeks. Their perpetual hand-holding serves as a testament to a relationship where the couple never wants to be apart.

Although their relationship only began in the summer of last year, there is an 85% likelihood of Alex Scott and Jess Glynne heading down the aisle. Their body language reflects a successful relationship, evident in constant smiles during conversations and facing each other while walking – portraying their love as an ongoing celebration. Additionally, their compatibility during serious moments, walking in step to a glitzy event, suggests a foundation for lasting love.

As spotted in their break away from Greece together and on their way back from South Africa, Inbaal’s analysis indicates a 75% chance of Maya Jama and Stormzy planning their future together. Maya exudes relaxation with a neutral stance, a wide grin, and comfortable hand-holding. While the musical giant, Stormzy, often appears nervous, with flexed muscles and a raised head, this tension suggests his top priority is ensuring Maya’s happiness.

A spokesperson from Casino Reviews says:

“We are thrilled to share the results from our partnership with esteemed celebrity body language expert, Inbaal Honigman to celebrate the launch of our ADR service. Her observations provide a window into the intricate details of celebrity relationships, through the analysis of body language. Revealing secrets about the public’s most talked-about relationships, readers can now witness the highs and lows, from potential breakups to whispers of engagements. These observations bring a fresh perspective to the glamour and romance of the most talked about celebrity couples.”

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