I want a Wales Senedd that provides a good NHS

By Julian Nyča - Self-photographed, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=19312057
I recently made a submission to the Consultation process for the proposed Reform of the Senedd structure in Wales. You know the one where Labour and Plaid Cymru want 36 extra Senedd Members voted via Party Lists not named candidates etc. etc..
Now as a person who made a submission I have received a 17 page Form to fill in to monitor the sort of person I am making a submission. (You will have had one if you made a submission). With little to do today, I set about answering the many questions on 17 pages. Half way through there were many questions on a few pages, about my sexuality (not my sex) – e.g. did I have a self designated sex and all this new obsession the Wales Government has with self sexual designation. I declared my birth sex, but left several pages of this Form blank. I want a well scrutinised Wales Senedd that provides a good NHS system and good Housing and a good Energy System etc..  I do not want a Senedd run by Labour, with Plaid Cymru, who put sexual self designation as a priority before such major issues as NHS etc.. Here is the LINK below to that Form if it still works :-
Thank you for taking part in the work of the Reform Bill Committee on 28/03/2024 by submitting written evidence

We invite you to fill in this short, anonymous diversity monitoring form. It should take no more than around five minutes.

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