Milford planning appeal dismissed

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A planning inspector has dismissed an appeal against a decision by Pembrokeshire County Council to refuse planning permission for a house in Milford Haven.

The appeal was made by Mr Leigh Rogers in relation to his application for outline permission for a new dwelling at Haven View, Vicary Crescent.

The inspector, Melissa Hall, said the main issue was the effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the surrounding area and on the living conditions of future occupants.

Her decision read: “…the dwelling would appear ‘shoe-horned’ into the site and it would be at odds with the pattern of the surrounding development, in particular the existing spacing and relationship between the properties. It would thus represent a wilful and awkward form of development.

“Furthermore, the existing sense of space created in part by the generous gardens serving the bungalows in the immediate vicinity would be undermined as a result of the proposal.”

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