THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK 21st September, 2016 by Rev David Jones

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Three UK political parties have already met for their conferences.  The Green party, UKIP and Lib Dems opened this ‘get together’ season and this weekend the Labour party meets in Liverpool when on Saturday we will know, after a long fought campaign, who the new leader will be.

The Conservatives have already gone through this process and as a result all of us have a new Prime Minister. Plaid Cymru brings the season to a close in Llangollen early next month and then politics gets back to normal again!

The conferences are, of course, not only for the faithful but an important media event when we all have the opportunity to see how the parties are faring. The highlight is, of course, the leader’s address.  Carefully put together and presented with an eye on the TV audience there’s a lot to win and much more to lose in the hour or so they are on their feet. Then there’s the inevitable standing ovation as the parties hail their chiefs and everyone hopes that there’s a few more votes in the bag!

It was Winston Churchill who said that democracy was not perfect but that it’s the best system of government we have.  Democracy can sometimes be manipulated and yet its essence is the right of every individual, taking all political claims into consideration to freely make their own choice.   Churchill was right!

It’s the same as faith is concerned. There is enshrined in God’s Word the freewill to live by faith or not.  That’s the personal integrity and freedom which God gives us and in the end the decision is ours whether we believe or not. There is, however, much to help us make that choice.  Jesus gave us what is known as the ‘Sermon on the mount’ the most powerful and dynamic strategy on which to live our lives.  Such commands such as going the second mile and resisting violence and retribution, of turning the other cheek, loving our enemies and giving to those in need and all grounded in the truth that God is love.    Then to make the best decision of all and to believe in the Christ who lived, died and arose from death that ‘whosoever’ believes may not perish but have eternal life!  God’s manifesto of grace with promises and that will never fail!

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