Celebrating the achievement of those in care | Dathlu llwyddiant y rhai sydd mewn gofal

Yn y Llun/in the picture: Cllr Glynog Davies, Kirsty Williams, Barry Liles, Sally Holland, Gareth Morgans

Celebrating the achievement of those in care

LOOKED after children in Carmarthenshire and their carers have been celebrated respectively for their educational achievements and hard work.
Education Secretary Kirsty Williams at a special celebratory event at Ffos Las joined Children’s Commissioner Sally Holland, council leaders, carers and school teachers to pay tribute to the county’s looked after children who come from a background of family crisis or breakdown.
The children and young people were presented with awards for good school attendance and educational achievement as well as their contribution to sports, music and volunteering.
Kirsty Williams said: “Children who enter care often come from very difficult family circumstances. We cannot change their personal experiences, but we have to mitigate the impact and support them into a rewarding, fulfilling and independent adulthood. Research shows that too often simply being ‘in care’ lowers the expectations placed on these young people.
“This culture impacts negatively on their ability to achieve in all aspects of their lives, including education. The awards ceremony proves that this needn’t be the case and showcases just what our looked after learners are capable of given the right support.”
Carmarthenshire county council’s executive board member for education, Cllr Glynog Davies, said: “It was a great event to celebrate the success of the county’s children and young people and the carers for their dedication and support. Having both the Cabinet Secretary for Education, Kirsty Williams and Wales’ Children’s Commissioner, Sally Holland, certainly added to the status of the event.
“They both, along with Director of Education and Children’s Services Gareth Morgans, and Principal of Coleg Sir Gar, Barry Liles, presented awards for primary, secondary and further education students of the year; care leaver of the year; volunteer of the year. There were special awards for music, sport and art. All GCSE and A Level students were also presented with awards.
“It was an opportunity to thank foster parents, school and service staff for their valued work and support.”
The large audience were entertained by musical contributions from both Chantelle Thomas and Josh Escott.
Before the celebration luncheon the children, young people and their families enjoyed a range of activities provided by both council and partner organisations including Coleg Sir Gar and the fire service.
“It was obvious that the guests and children and young people had a wonderful day celebrating many notable achievements,” said Mr Davies.

Dathlu llwyddiant y rhai sydd mewn gofal

MAE plant sy’n derbyn gofal yn Sir Gaerfyrddin a’u gofalwyr wedi bod yn destun digwyddiad i ddathlu eu cyflawniadau addysgol a’u gwaith diflino.
Ymunodd Kirsty Williams, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg, â’r digwyddiad dathlu yn Ffos Las, ynghyd â’r Comisiynydd Plant Sally Holland, arweinwyr y cyngor, gofalwyr ac athrawon ysgol i dalu teyrnged i Blant sy’n Derbyn Gofal yn y sir.
Cafodd y plant a’r bobl ifanc eu gwobrwyo am bresenoldeb da yn yr ysgol a chyflawniad addysgol yn ogystal â’u cyfraniad at chwaraeon, cerddoriaeth a gwirfoddoli.
Meddai Kirsty Williams: “Mae plant sy’n dod mewn i’r system ofal yn aml yn dod o amgylchiadau teuluol anodd iawn. Ni allwn newid eu profiadau personol, ond mae’n rhaid i ni leihau’r effaith a’u cefnogi nhw wrth iddynt dyfu’n oedolion annibynnol, bodlon a balch. Mae ymchwil yn dangos bod dim ond bod yn y system ofal ynddo’i hun yn lleihau’r disgwyliadau i’r bobl ifanc hyn.
“Mae’r diwylliant hwn yn cael effaith negyddol ar eu gallu i lwyddo ym mhob agwedd ar eu bywydau, gan gynnwys addysg. Mae’r seremoni wobrwyo yn profi nad oes rhaid i hyn fod yn wir ac yn dangos beth mae ein dysgwyr sy’n derbyn gofal yn gallu ei wneud gyda’r gefnogaeth gywir.”
Meddai’r Cynghorydd Glynog Davies, yr Aelod o Fwrdd Gweithredol Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin dros Addysg: “Roedd yn ddigwyddiad gwych i ddathlu llwyddiant plant a phobl ifanc y sir a’r gofalwyr am eu hymrwymiad a’u cefnogaeth.
“Yn sicr, roedd presenoldeb Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg, Kirsty Williams, a Chomisiynydd Plant Cymru, Sally Holland, wedi ychwanegu at statws y digwyddiad.
“Bu’r ddwy ohonynt, ynghyd â’r Cyfarwyddwr Addysg a Gwasanaethau Plant, Gareth Morgans, a Phrifathro Coleg Sir Gâr, Barry Liles, yn cyflwyno gwobrau i ddisgyblion a myfyrwyr y flwyddyn o sefydliadau addysg gynradd, uwchradd ac addysg bellach; ymadawydd gofal y flwyddyn; gwirfoddolwr y flwyddyn. Roedd yna wobrau arbennig ar gyfer cerddoriaeth, chwaraeon a chelf. Cyflwynwyd gwobrau hefyd i bob myfyriwr TGAU a Safon Uwch.
“Roedd yn gyfle i ddiolch i rieni maeth, staff y gwasanaeth a’r ysgolion am eu gwaith gwerthfawr a’u cefnogaeth.”
Cafodd y gynulleidfa fawr ei difyrru gan gyfraniadau cerddorol gan Chantelle Thomas a Josh Escott.
Cyn y cinio dathlu mwynhaodd y plant, y bobl ifanc a’u teuluoedd ystod o weithgareddau a ddarparwyd gan y cyngor a’r sefydliadau partner gan gynnwys Coleg Sir Gâr a’r gwasanaeth tân.
“Roedd yn amlwg fod y gwesteion a’r plant a’r bobl ifanc wedi cael diwrnod rhagorol wrth iddynt ddathlu llawer o gyflawniadau sylweddol,” meddai Mr Davies.

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