Central Primary School’s winning road safety designs


(In the photo – from left to right: Chloe Lynons (Primary School Coordinator),

Lowri Roche, Casey McCourt, Mali Evans, Caden Warren and Lilly-May Howells)

Budding artists from Central Primary School in Port Talbot have been busy creating new road safety leaflets to help keep their classmates safe on the road thanks to their design skills.


The purpose of the road safety leaflets is to warn motorists about the dangers of inconsiderate and illegal parking around the school gates and grounds. The pupils wanted this problem to change and show parents and guardians how to make a difference.


Neath Port Talbot Council’s Road Safety Team were delighted to hear about the children’s ideas and worked closely with the school to help alleviate this issue by helping them to create and select their designs.


In the forthcoming weeks, the pupils will be handing out their leaflets with Neath Port Talbot Council’s Road Safety Coordinatorto parents, guardians and members of the public, highlighting the importance of road safety around the school gates.


Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Engineering, Councillor Ted Latham said: “Well done to all the pupils who have been working hard designing road safety leaflets and a special thank you toLowriRoache, Casey McCourt, Mali Evans, Caden Warren and Lilly-May Howells who all came up with superb and winning designs.


“We are delighted by the support from teaching staff in tackling this growing concern outside our schools. The enthusiasm of the children has been clear to see and the quality of their work outstanding. We hope that parents and guardians take note of the pupils’ voice and listen to their advice


Dyluniadau diogelwch ffyrdd buddugol Ysgol Gynradd Central


(Yn y llun – o’r chwith i’r dde: Chloe Lynons (Cydlynydd Ysgolion Cynradd),

Lowri Roche, Casey McCourt, Mali Evans, Caden Warren a Lilly-May Howells)


Mae darpar artistiaid o Ysgol Gynradd Central ym Mhort Talbot wedi bod yn brysur yn gwneud taflenni diogelwch ffyrdd newydd i helpu i sicrhau bod eu ffrindiau dosbarth yn ddiogel ar y ffordd diolch i’w sgiliau dylunio.


Diben y taflenni diogelwch ffyrdd yw rybuddio modurwyr am beryglon parcio anystyriol ac anghyfreithlon o gwmpas gatiau a thir yr ysgol. Roedd disgyblion am newid y broblem hon a dangos i rieni a gofalwyr sut gallent wneud gwahaniaeth.


Roedd Tîm Diogelwch Ffyrdd Castell-nedd Port Talbot yn falch o glywed am syniadau’r plant a gweithiodd yn agos gyda’r ysgol i helpu i liniaru’r mater trwy eu helpu nhw i greu a dewis eu dyluniadau.


Dros yr wythnosau nesaf, bydd y disgyblion a Chydlynydd Diogelwch Ffyrdd Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot yn dosbarthu’r taflenni i rieni, gofalwyr ac aelodau’r cyhoedd, gan amlygu pwysigrwydd diogelwch ffyrdd o gwmpas gatiau’r ysgol.


Meddai Aelod y Cabinet dros Strydlun a Pheirianneg, y Cyng. Ted Latham, “Da iawn i’r holl ddisgyblion sydd wedi bod yn gweithio’n galed i ddylunio taflenni diogelwch ffyrdd, a diolch yn fawr i Lowri Roache, Casey McCourt, Mali Evans, Caden Warren a Lilly-May Howells sydd wedi cyflwyno dyluniadau gwych a buddugol.


“Rydym yn falch iawn o’r gefnogaeth gan staff addysgu sydd wedi helpu i fynd i’r afael â’r pryder cynyddol hwn y tu allan i’n hysgolion. Roedd brwdfrydedd y plant yn glir i’w weld ac mae ansawdd eu gwaith yn rhagorol. Gobeithio y bydd rhieni a gofalwyr yn gwrando ar lais y disgybl ac yn dilyn eu cyngor

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