Burglar Who Donned Distinctive Blue Arm Cast Jailed At Swansea Crown Court



A man who claimed he was waiting for a friend when he was disturbed during a burglary has been jailed for five years.

Daniel Lee Nicklin, aged 29, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to two burglaries in Carmarthen town centre when he appeared at Swansea Crown Court for sentencing.

The first crime took place on June 25 this year, when Nicklin entered a house and took items including jewellery and X-Box games from several rooms while the victim was asleep upstairs.

The victim woke up, saw the man crossing the landing and ran to a neighbour’s house to alert them. When they returned to the house, they found Nicklin sitting in the living room, and on challenging him he said he was waiting for a friend.

He eventually left the house, taking a handbag with him.

The second burglary took place between June 26 and July 1, where a ransacked search of a house was carried out. Perfume and jewellery were stolen. Nobody was inside the house at the time.

Nicklin was arrested following a description given by the victim in the first burglary, who noticed he had a distinctive blue cast on his arm.

He was charged the following day and taken to court, where he was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison for both offences, which will be served consecutively.




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