Recruitment issues led to proposals to remove hospital services


Recruitment problems have been used by health chiefs to push for a removal of services from hospitals in neighbouring health authorities.

Now a freedom of information request by Plaid Llanelli has revealed the efforts made by Hywel Dda Health Board to address the issue locally.


In order to boost staff numbers Hywel Dda Health Board has:


  • Recruited in Spain: for doctors in radiology, paediatrics, and Accident and Emergency (A&E)
  • Targeted newly-qualified Consultants coming out of the Welsh Deanery programme, e.g. Care of the Elderly post in Prince Philip Hospital
  • Provided a wide range of initiatives to support the retention of the workforce

Plaid Cymru AM Simon Thomas said:

“At a recent visit to Prince Philip Hospital I heard how changes in neighbouring health boards impact on units at the hospital. We will have to wait and see what happens next.”

“Now that the removal of hospital services has reached Labour strongholds – they’re all of sudden decided to campaign against the removal of services in their own hospital. How they are feeling now is how the people of Llanelli have felt for years only to be received put downs from Welsh Ministers, the health board and Cardiff Bay based commentators.”

Sean Rees, Plaid Llanelli’s Communications Officer added:

“The people of Llanelli are fed up with the games being played between the Labour politicians in the Senedd and the Hywel Dda Health Board officials. What we need and want in Llanelli is a properly resourced, fully fledged Consultant led A+E unit with an improved focus on patient care.”

“Proper A+E units need to be in close proximity to people’s homes and places of work. Not to do so is to invite tragedy.”

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