The Wonderful World of Fracking


What Iā€™ve been doing is getting into this whole ā€˜frackingā€™ thing. For those of you that donā€™t know about it, fracking is where those b*stard oil companies I have spoken to you about before drill down into the ground a few hundred feet, then drill horizontally for a while.

Then what they do is the force a load of sand and water and chemicals down into the ground with a helluvva lot of pressure to fracture the rocks and release whatā€™s called shale gas as apparently thereā€™s enough under the ground of the UK to give us energy for the next 25 years. Wowzers! 25 years! This means that we can put off the idea of actually trying to save the planet and use renewable energy for another quarter century and just leave it until weā€™re completely f**ked for things to do. But this isnā€™t my problem.

Fracking has been going on in the USA now for a few years. These oil companies will find the land with big amounts of shale under it and offer the land owners a large amount of money and cheap gas in exchange for the land. A lot of people straight up sell but some donā€™t. The ones who donā€™t sell up will either be threatened into it, have it done anyway or have their land destroyed in spiteful vengeance. ā€œHave their land destroyed?ā€ you ask? Yes. Destroyed. Iā€™ll get to that shortly.

One of the biggest problems with this method of getting gas from the ground, gas that probably needs to be there as it has been for millions of years, is how unsafe the techniques are. There are very often leaks from the ground where all the chemicals seep into natural water thus rendering it extremely f**king dangerous. ā€œHow dangerous?ā€ You ask? Well Iā€™ll show you a video, shall I?

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F**ked up, eh? Thatā€™s all the ā€œharmlessā€ chemicals that these b*stard oil companies use making water very, very dangerous. It becomes completely undrinkable and so bad you canā€™t even bath in it. Letā€™s have a look at a list of some chemicals found in water tainted by fracking shall we?

  • Lead
  • Uranium
  • Mercury
  • Ethylene Glycol
  • Radium
  • Methanol
  • Hydrochloric Acid
  • Formaldehyde
  • Arsenic

Thatā€™s just a few. You might notice some of the names from f**king nuclear weapons. Methane alone is 17% higher in drinking water that comes from sources near fracking sites than there should be naturally. All-in-all about 30% of the water they fracture from the shale rocks in collected. The rest just seeps into your eco-system. This means that they donā€™t really produce enough energy to run the wells that actually produce it. The rest just goes to killing fish, animals and probably you.

That list up there is just a list of the chemicals that get pumped into the well. There are a while host of other nasty chemicals that get blown out or are created when a combination of other chemicals are mixed. Weapons-grade plutonium being one of the chemicals found in a towns drinking water and is that really what you want? Are you willing to put up with having to buy all of your water, be it for drinking, bathing, cleaning the house, cleaning your car, watering the plants, bottled? Because you will have to. Gone will be the days of waking up in the middle of the night to go and get a glass of water. Youā€™ll have to ration it all very carefully because the water you use to so freely have will be so toxic it is illegal to use in war zones and void of all life.

But this is all very good news for big oil as there next plan is to privatise all the worlds water. Thatā€™s right. They plan on turning water into the new oil. the owner of BP has even said in interviews that the plan is to control the worlds drinking water because when you control a peoples water you have total control of the people, but I digress. That is for my next post.

Fracking has also been known to cause earthquakes, so you also have that to look forward to.

The reason Iā€™m banging on about this and not being very funny today is because fracking is now coming to the UK. There have been a lot of land bought up by these companies in South Wales. Nice looking land. In the country. With our hills and mountains and rivers and streams. And they plan of f**king destroying it so they can make a bit of money and this will happen. They pay our government a sh*t-ton of money (itā€™s called lobbying and it should be very, very illegal) and in exchange the government will tell us all that fracking is fine and itā€™s harmless and it will be good for our country and good for our economy. Well donā€™t f*king listen to them. Donā€™t listen to a word they say. Open a new tab and Google ā€œfracking documentariesā€ as I have only told you a small, small part about the dangers of it. Hopefully just enough to get you concerned.

So go away, look into this horrific thing and come back tomorrow so I can explain the privatization of water to you. And maybe slip a funny line in somewhere too. I feel like I owe you a joke.

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