Have your say! The European Parliament Election Day is Thursday, 23 May / Dweud eich dweud! Bydd Diwrnod Etholiadau Senedd Ewrop ddydd Iau, 23 Mai


Have your say!

The European Parliament Election Day is Thursday, 23 May.

 Residents have until midnight on Tuesday, 7 May to register to vote if they are not already on the Electoral Register. The closing date to apply for a postal vote is Wednesday, 8 May (5.00 p.m.) and for proxy votes Wednesday, 15 May (5.00 p.m.)

 Steve Phillips, Local Returning Officer said:

 “It is important that people have the opportunity to take part in this election and do not miss out because they are un-registered. Our experienced Electoral Services Team is available to provide advice and information to voters.

 “People should not assume that they are able to vote just because just because they are registered for other things such as Council Tax. If in doubt, residents should contact the Electoral Services Team to check whether they are registered to vote.”

 Registering to vote only takes a few minutes: register online at www.gov.uk/register-to-voteor telephone the Electoral Services Team on (01639) 763330.

 A full list of candidates is available on the Wales Regional Returning Officer’s website: https://www.pembrokeshire.gov.uk/european-parliamentary-elections


ByddDiwrnodEtholiadauSeneddEwropddyddIau, 23 Mai.

Mae ganbreswylwyrhyd at hannernos, ddyddMawrth, 7 Mai i gofrestru i bleidleisioosnadydynteisoesar y GofrestrEtholwyr. Y dyddiadcau i wneudcaisargyferpleidlaisdrwy’r post ywdyddMercher, 8 Mai (5.00pm) ac argyferpleidleisiaudrwyddirprwy, dyddMercher, 15 Mai (5.00pm)

Dywedodd Steve Phillips, y SwyddogCanlyniadauLleol:

“Mae’nhollbwysig bod poblyncael y cyfle i gymrydrhanynyretholiadhwn, ac ynosgoicolliallanoherwyddnadydyntwedicofrestru. Mae einTîmGwasanaethauEtholiadolprofiadolargael i ddarparucyngor a gwybodaeth i bleidleiswyr.

“Ni ddylaipoblgymrydarnynt y gallentbleidleisiooherwyddeu bod wedicofrestru i bethaueraillmegisTreth y Cyngor. Osoesamheuaeth, dylaipreswylwyrgysylltuâ’nTîmGwasanaethauEtholiadol i wirioaydyntwedicofrestru i bleidleisio.”

Dim ondychydig o funudau y mae’ncymryd: cofrestrwchar-leinhttps://www.gov.uk/cofrestru-i-bleidleisioneuffoniwch y TîmGwasanaethauEtholiadolar 01639 763330.

Mae rhestr lawn o ymgeiswyrargaelarwefanSwyddogCanlyniadauRhanbartholCymru: https://www.sir-benfro.gov.uk/etholiadau-senedd-ewrop


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