Cardigan LGBTQ+ Swansea Pride 2019


Members of Cardigan LGBTQ+ recently took part in Swansea Pride 2019 collectively as West Wales LGBTQ+ together with Carmarthen LGBTQ+ and Pembs LGBTQ Plus Group. This included participation in the mile long street parade and taking in the sights and sounds of all the week long festival had to offer at The National Waterfront Museum including a variety of live stage performances across two stages and a plethora of information and support stands such as from Stonewall Cymru, NHS and the Police.

The event was sponsored and supported by the City and County Council of Swansea, The National Waterfront Museum, Swansea BID, Great Western Railway, The Wave, CO-OP, University of Wales Trinity Saint David and Unison Swansea Branch amongst a whole host of others. The Swansea Pride organisers estimated that around 4000 people enjoyed the festivities. The aim of this years Pride was to raise awareness and give support to LGBTQ+ communities with organisations, groups, companies, businesses, families and individuals all having been invited to be involved in the multicoloured community driven celebration.

Cardigan LGBTQ+ welcomes all members identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning and gender queer as well as their supporters and allies. Cardigan LGBTQ+ forms part of WEST WALES LGBTQ+ together with Carmarthen LGBTQ+ and Pembs LGBTQ Plus.

The group aims to meet on the last Sunday of each month at The Grosvenor, Cardigan for informal, welcoming, friendly and relaxed gatherings from 3pm onwards.

The group can be found on Facebook or can be contacted on 07927350632 for further enquiries or information.

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