Harp Weekend – Penwythnos Telynau


Harp Weekend

The National Botanic Garden of Wales is hosting its eighth annual Harp Weekend on June 29-30, organised by harpist Shelley Fairplay.

The event offers the opportunity for visitors to come along and try the harp within a friendly workshop setting, to listen to a wide diversity of musical styles performed on the harp and ask any questions about the National Instrument of Wales.

In addition to concerts, children can get involved in a trail around the iconic Great Glasshouse to discover hidden facts about the instrument, make their own ‘Harp Crown’ to take home, over 7s can try the harp in the general hands-on workshops and under 7s become part of a musical storytelling session in ‘Tiny Hands on Harps’, where children learn to play the harp and sing along as the story unfolds.

During the 2pm Harp Ensemble Concert, a brand-new piece will be premiered called ‘Growing the Future’ to celebrate the Garden’s new Growing the Future project.

This year’s Harp Weekend will feature the world-renowned triple harpist, Robin Huw Bowen, who will be teaching a workshop for harpists and performing both days.

This event is sponsored by the Botanic Garden’s Growing the Future project which aims to champion Welsh horticulture, plants for pollinators, the protection of wildlife and the virtues of growing plants for food, fun, health and well-being.

This project has received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.

Penwythnos Telynau

Mae Gardd Fotaneg Genedlaethol yn cynnal yr wythfed Penwythnos Telynau, wedi’i drefnu gan y delynores Shelley Fairplay.

Mae Penwythnos Telynau yn cynnig y cyfle i ymwelwyr i roi cynnig ar y delyn trwy weithdai cyfeillgar, i wrando ar amrywiaeth eang o arddulliau cerddorol a berfformir ar y delyn ac i ofyn unrhyw gwestiynau am Offeryn Cenedlaethol Cymru.

Yn ogystal â chyngherddau, gall plant gymryd rhan mewn llwybr o amgylch y Tŷ Gwydr Mawr eiconig i ddarganfod ffeithiau cudd am yr offeryn, creu ‘Coron Delyn’ eu hunain i fynd adref, gall plant dros 7 mlwydd oed roi cynnig ar y delyn yn y gweithdai ymarferol a gall plant dan 7 oed ddod yn rhan o sesiwn adrodd straeon gyda ‘Dwylo Bychain ar Delyn’, lle mae plant yn dysgu chwarae’r delyn a chanu wrth i’r stori ddatblygu.

Yn ystod y Gyngerdd Telyn Ensemble am 2yp, bydd darn newydd sbon yn cael ei chwarae o’r enw ‘Tyfu’r Dyfodol’ i ddathlu prosiect newydd Tyfu’r Dyfodol yr Ardd.

Bydd Penwythnos Telynau eleni yn cynnwys y telynor telyn deires byd-enwog, Robin Huw Bowen, a fydd yn dysgu gweithdai a pherfformio ar y ddau ddiwrnod.

Noddir y digwyddiad hwn gan brosiect Tyfu’r Dyfodol yr Ardd sy’n anelu at hyrwyddo garddwriaeth Cymru, i ddiogelu bywyd gwyllt ac i bwysleisio holl fanteision tyfu planhigion – i’w bwyta, i roi hwyl inni ac i gyfrannu at ein lles a’n hiechyd.

Mae’r prosiect hwn wedi derbyn cyllid trwy Raglen Datblygu Wledig 2014-2020 – Cymunedau Gwledig Llywodraeth Cymru, a ariennir gan Gronfa Amaethyddol Ewrop ar gyfer Datblygu Ardaloedd Gwledig, a Llywodraeth Cymru.


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