Arts Council of Wales ‘delighted’ to be part of latest Weston Jerwood Creative Bursaries/ Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru yn croesawu bwrsariau Weston Jerwood

Pic Tim Dickeson 12-03-2019 Jerwood Meeting Cardiff, Chapter Arts Centre

Arts Council of Wales today warmly welcomed the announcement of a fourth edition of the Weston Jerwood Creative Bursaries which aims to transform the leadership potential of the next generation of artists, curators, producers and creatives from more deprived socio-economic backgrounds.

Funding from the Arts Council of Wales will contribute to the programme along with further funding from the Art Fund, Creative Scotland, Garfield Weston Foundation and Arts Council England. Additional programmes also announced include the Jerwood Curatorial Accelerator and Jerwood New Creative Leaders.

The fourth edition of the Weston Jerwood Creative Bursaries will provide an 18 month programme of transformation for arts organisations, museums and galleries across Wales and the other nations of the UK to become more inclusive organisations through provision of unique Fellowships for outstanding early-career artists, curators and producers from lower socio-economic backgrounds on the one hand, and dedicated organisational development support on the other.

Kath Davies, Director (Arts Funding Services), Arts Council of Wales said:

“The Arts Council of Wales is delighted to become a partner in this this innovative scheme.  We have already seen the huge benefit for young people and the host organisations, and look forward to growing the number of placements available in Wales.

“We look forward to funding 6 placements – with 2 earmarked for those who speak Welsh – and will be inviting possible host organisations to express their interest during September.”

Lilli Geissendorfer, Director, Jerwood Arts said:

“Fair access to working in the arts remains one of the most urgent issues facing the sector today, with those from lower socio-economic backgrounds still significantly underrepresented amongst the artists and employees of theatres, festivals, galleries, museums and arts organisations of all kinds, especially in leadership positions in Wales as well as the wider UK.

“Building on Jerwood Arts’ ten years of experience in this field, our programme will offer specialised recruitment and supported, meaningful fellowships and development opportunities that will actively reduce the barriers for talented creative leaders to fulfil their potential. We are excited that the next iteration of our Weston Jerwood Creative Bursaries programme will focus on creative and artistic roles, and to be able to launch two pilot projects targeted at curators and new leaders, two areas where those from lower socio-economic backgrounds face particularly challenging career pathways. 

“We are delighted to have secured significant support from a cohort of generous and visionary partner funders to enable us to green light these projects earlier this week.”

Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru yn falch o fod yn rhan o fwrsarïau creadigol diweddaraf Weston Jerwood

Heddiw roedd Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru yn croesawu’n fawr gyhoeddi rownd 4 o fwrsarïau creadigol Weston Jerwood. Eu nod yw trawsnewid potensial arwain y genhedlaeth nesaf o artistiaid, curaduron, cynhyrchwyr a phobl greadigol o gefndiroedd economaidd-gymdeithasol llai breintiedig.

Bydd Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru yn parhau i gyfrannu arian at y rhaglen. Bydd arian hefyd yn dod gan y Gronfa Gelf, yr Alban Greadigol, Sefydliad Garfield Weston a Chyngor Celfyddydau Lloegr. Mae rhaglenni ychwanegol eleni gan gynnwys Traffordd Curaduron Jerwood ac Arweinwyr Creadigol Newydd Jerwood.

Bydd bwrsarïau creadigol Weston Jerwood yn cynnig rhaglen 18 mis o drawsnewid i sefydliadau celfyddydol, amgueddfeydd ac orielau ledled Cymru a gwledydd eraill Prydain. Y nod yw eu helpu i ddod yn sefydliadau mwy cynhwysol drwy ddarparu cymrodoriaethau unigryw i artistiaid eithriadol yn gynnar yn eu gyrfa, curaduron a chynhyrchwyr o gefndiroedd llai breintiedig a chymorth pwrpasol i ddatblygu eu sefydliadau.

Dywedodd Kath Davies, Cyfarwyddwr (Gwasanaethau Ariannu’r Celfyddydau), Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru:

“Mae Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru yn falch iawn o fod yn bartner yn y cynllun arloesol yma. Rydym ni eisoes wedi gweld budd enfawr i bobl ifanc a’r sefydliadau lletyol. Rydym ni’n edrych ymlaen at dyfu nifer y lleoliadau i Gymru.

“Rydym ni’n edrych ymlaen at ariannu 6 lleoliad, gyda 2 wedi’u clustnodi ar gyfer siaradwyr Cymraeg. Byddwn ni’n gwahodd sefydliadau lletyol posibl i fynegi diddordeb yn ystod Medi.”

Dywedodd Lilli Geissendorfer, Cyfarwyddwr Celfyddydau Jerwood:

“Mae hygyrchedd teg i weithio yn y celfyddydau o hyd yn fater hollbwysig i’r sector. Mae pobl o gefndiroedd llai breintiedig wedi’u tangynrychioli’n ddifrifol ymhlith artistiaid a gweithwyr mewn theatrau, gwyliau, orielau, amgueddfeydd a sefydliadau celfyddydol – yn enwedig mewn swyddi arwain yng Nghymru a Phrydain.

“Rydym ni’n adeiladu ar ddeng mlynedd o brofiad yn y maes gan gynnig cymorth wrth recriwtio, cymrodoriaethau ystyrlon a chyfleoedd datblygu i leihau’r rhwystrau i arweinwyr creadigol talentog. Bydd ein bwrsarïau nesaf yn canolbwyntio ar swyddogaethau creadigol ac artistig ac ar lansio dau brosiect peilot sy’n targedu curaduron ac arweinwyr newydd. Dyma ddau faes sy’n anodd i bobl o gefndiroedd llai breintiedig.

“Nawr mae’r prosiectau hyn yn gallu digwydd, diolch i haelioni a gweledigaeth ein harianwyr partner.”

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