Sŵn festival announce full line-up, workshops and venues

SWN Festival 2018

Today Sŵn festival unleashes the final wave of acts to join this year’s enigmatic line up at the award-winning, multi-venue festival in Cardiff, which takes place from 18-20 October.

Sŵn has been renowned for booking exceptional talent for the past twelve years, and this year is no different. With hundreds of promising and established artists already on the roster, these 47 acts are set to make it the best line-up yet.

Who’s playing?

Get your dancing shoes on for the mesmerisingly creative, HMLTD who have been described as ‘Bowie and Adam Ant burning up an underground club.’ These guys make electronic rock glamorous with props and costumes that will take you back in time.

If that’s not your thing, the beautifully raw Casi is welcomed to Cardiff after the launch of her EP ‘Sunflower Seeds’. Blurring the lines between ancient and new, get ready to be transported to another world.

 On a slightly more eclectic note, Look Mum, No Computer brings a fresh and fun perspective to the music scene. From inventing his infamous Furby organ to a Game Boy synth machine, Sam Battle is a musician that scratches way beneath the surface.

Heavenly Recordings will be having a Heavenly Afternoon at Jacob’s Market on Sunday 20 from 12-7pm with Bloody Marys, pizza and five bands from their roster. From the avant-electro pop surrealisms of audiobooks to the gorgeously crafted indie pop of Amber Arcades through to the teeth gritting post punk snarl of Working Men’s Club. Plus, two brand new signings, Katy J Pearson – whose timelessly melodic song writing injects straight into your heart via her incredible distinctive voice and lyrics – and Raf Rundell – one half of the Two Bears, Raf’s solo music tackles the personal and the political through absolute dancefloor bangers.

 If you’re on the lookout for the best new artists in South Wales, Forté Project will provide. The project supports and mentor artists to support them on their journey through the music industry. Asha Jane, Foxxglove, Macy, Natty Paynter, Owain Felstead, Super Marine and Telgate bring energy, creativity and bags of inspiration to the line-up.

 Completing the final additions to the 142 strong line-up are Asha Jane, audiobooks, Bambara, Brand New Friend, Casi, Conchúr White, Creatures, Devon, Dylan Cartlidge, Emma McGrath, Elsa Hewitt, Foxxglove, Free Love, Ghostlawns, Grace Lightman, HMLTD, Honest Thieves, Hyll, John MOuse, Josiah Konder, Krush Puppies, Lauran Hibberd, Lazarus Kane, Liz Lawrence, Look Mum No Computer, Macy, Modern Habits, Natty Paynter, Obey Cobra, Owain Felstead, Patawawa, Plastic Estate, Pozi, Raf Rundell,  Rainbow Maniac, Ritual Cloak, Ruthie, Sam Calver, Scavengers, Shadowlark, Slagheap, Sonny Winnebago, Stats, Sunshine Frisbee Laserbeam, Super Marine, Tacet, Telgate.

Where are they playing?

 Festival organisers are extremely excited to announce this year’s ten venues. Clwb Ifor Bach (of course!), Fuel, The Moon, Kongs, Beelzebubs, Old Market Tavern, 10 Feet Tall, O’Neills, Tramshed, and Jacob’s Market will all open their doors for the three-day fiasco. Keen festival goers can find out who is playing where on the website from Friday 13th September.

Music Conference and Mixer

 Sŵn festival isn’t just about giving live music a platform, it is proud to support young people looking to make it in the music industry. For 2019, Sŵn festival has partnered with University of South Wales to deliver a two-day industry event curated by Complete Music Update (CMU) on Thursday 17 and Friday 18 October at the Atrium Campus.

The free event brings together artists, the music community and students for an exciting two-day programme for those that are looking to develop a career in the music industry. In a mix of panel discussions, Q&A’s and presentations, over 20 industry professionals will share their experiences and advice on how to build and sustain a career in music.

Adam Williams, Live Manager at Clwb Ifor Bach, who run the festival said: “We’re so pleased to see how far the festival has come since we took over last year. This year has so many exciting artists and even more events that we hope will strengthen the music scene in Cardiff and help those that want to be part of the industry.

“It feels really good to build on the success of the past 12 years of Sŵn festival and continue to unite people in so many different creative ways. We’re looking forward to seeing it all come to life in five weeks.”

For more information and to get your tickets, go to swnfest.com. Follow @SwnFestival on Twitter.

GŵylSŵn yncyhoeddirhestr lawn o artistiaid, gweithdai a lleoliadau

 Heddiw maeGŵylSŵnyncyhoeddi’r don olaf o artistiaidsy’nymunoâ rhestrenigmatigeleniynyrŵylaml-saflelwyddiannusyngNghaerdydd, a gynhelirrhwng 18 a 20 Hydref.

Mae Sŵn wedi bod ynadnabyddus am roillwyfan i ddoniaueithriadolynystod y deuddegmlynedddiwethaf, ac nidyweleni’neithriad. Gydachannoedd o artistiaid hen a newyddeisoeswedi’ucyhoeddi, mae’r 47 band yma’ncadarnhaumaidymafyddyrarlwygoraueto.


Byddwchynbarod i ddawnsio i HMLTD, band hudolus a chreadigol sydd wedi cael eu disgrifio fel ‘Bowie ac Adam Ant ynrhoiclwbtanddaearolar dân.’ Mae’rbechgynyma’ncreu roc electronigcyfareddol, gydagwisgoedd a phropsfyddynmyndâ chi’nôl mewnamser.

Osnaddyna’rpeth i chi, rydynnihefydyncroesawucerddoriaethhardd ac amrwdCasi i Gaerdydd, arôl iddilansioei EP ‘Sunflower Seeds’ ynddiweddar.  Yncymylu’rllinellaurhwngyr hen a’rnewydd, paratowch i gaeleichcludo i fydarall.

Arnodynmymrynynfwyeclectig, maeLook Mum, No Computeryncynnigsafbwyntffres a hwyliogi’rsîn gerddorol. O ddyfeisioei organ Furbyenwog i beiriant synth Game Boy, maeSam Battle yngerddorsy’nmyndymhell y tuhwnti’rwyneb.

Bydd Heavenly Recordings yncaelPrynhawnNefolaiddymMarchnad Jacob’s ddydd Sul rhwng 12yp a 7yh gydaphitsa, coctêls mariwaedlyd a phum band o’r label. O swrealaeth pop avant-electro audiobooks, at bop indi crefftus Amber Arcades, i sgyrnyguôl-pyncffrwydrolWorking Men’s Club. Hefyd, bydddausyddnewyddymunoâ’r label, Katy J Pearson gyda’i chyfansoddi melodig bythol sy’n treiddio trwy’r galon a’i llais a’i geiriau anhygoel o unigryw, a Raf Rundell, sefhanner Two Bears; maecerddoriaethunigol Raf ynmyndi’rafaelâ’rpersonola’rgwleidyddolynogystal ag anthemau i ddawnsio’nwylltiddynnhw.

 Osydychchi’nchwilio am artistiaidnewyddgorau’r de, byddgan Forté Project ddigoni’wgynnig. Mae’rprosiectyncefnogi ac ynmentoraartistiaidareutaithdrwy’rdiwydiantcerddorol. Mae Asha Jane, Foxxglove, Macy, Natty Paynter, Owain Felstead, Super Marine a Telgateyncynnigegni, creadigrwydd, a llondtrol o ysbrydoliaethi’rrhestr o artistiaid.

Yncwblhau’rrhestrgref o 142 o berfformwyr, maeAsha Jane, audiobooks, Bambara, Brand New Friend, Casi, ConchúrWhite, Creatures, Devon, Dylan Cartlidge, Emma McGrath, Elsa Hewitt, Foxxglove, Free Love, Ghostlawns, Grace Lightman, HMLTD, Honest Thieves, Hyll, John MOuse, Josiah Konder, Krush Puppies, Lauran Hibberd, Lazarus Kane, Liz Lawrence, Look Mum No Computer, Macy, Modern Habits, Natty Paynter, Obey Cobra, Owain Felstead, Patawawa, Plastic Estate, Pozi, Raf Rundell,  Rainbow Maniac, Ritual Cloak, Ruthie, Sam Calver, Scavengers, Shadowlark, Slagheap, Sonny Winnebago, Stats, Sunshine Frisbee Laserbeam, Super Marine, Tacet, Telgate.


 Mae trefnwyr yr ŵylynfalchiawn o gaelcyhoeddi deg safleeleni. ByddClwbIfor Bach (wrthgwrs!), Fuel, The Moon, Kongs, Beelzebubs, Old Market Tavern, 10 Feet Tall, O’Neills, Tramshed, a Marchnad Jacob’s ynagoreudrysauargyfer y wledddridiau o hyd. Gall mynychwyrbrwdyrŵyl weld pwyfyddynchwaraeblear y wefan o ddyddGwener 13 Medi ymlaen.

CynhadleddCerddoriaeth a Rhwydweithio

 Nid rhoi llwyfan i gerddoriaeth fyw yn unig mae gŵylSŵn, maehefydynfalch o gefnogipoblifancsy’nawyddus i ddatblyguyn y diwydiantcerddoriaeth. Eleni, maegŵylSŵn wedi ymuno â Phrifysgol De Cymru i ddarparudigwyddiaddiwydiantdeuddydd o hyd, wedi’iguraduganComplete Music Update (CMU) ddyddIau 17 a dyddGwener 18 HydrefarGampws Atrium.

Bydd y digwyddiad am ddim, ac yndod ag artistiaid, y gymunedgerddorol a myfyrwyrynghydgydarhaglenddeuddyddargyfer y rhaisy’ngobeithiodatblygugyrfayn y diwydiantcerddoriaeth. Mewncymysgedd o drafodaethau panel, sesiynauholi ac ateb a chyflwyniadau, bydddros 20 o weithwyrproffesiynolo’rdiwydiantynrhannueuprofiadaua’ucyngorarsut i ddatblygu a chynnalgyrfaymmydcerddoriaeth.

Meddai Adam Williams, RheolwrBywClwbIfor Bach, sy’ncynnalyrŵyl: “Rydynni’nfalchiawn o weld pa mor bell mae’rŵyl wedi dod ers i ni ddechrau ei rhedeg hi y llynedd. Mae cymaint o artistiaid cyffrous eleni, a mwy fyth o ddigwyddiadau, ac rydyn ni’n gobeithio y bydd hyn yn cryfhau sîngerddoriaethCaerdydd, ac ynhelpu’rrhaisyddeisiau bod ynrhano’rdiwydiant.

 “Mae’ndeimlad da iawngalluadeiladuarlwyddiantgŵylSŵn dros y tair blynedd ar ddeg diwethaf,a pharhau i unopoblmewncymaint o ffyrddcreadigol. Rydynni’nedrychymlaen i gaelgweld y cyfanyncaeleiwiredduymhenpumwythnos.”

I gaelrhagor o wybodaeth ac i archebutocynnau, ewch i swnfest.com. Dilynwch @SwnFestivalar Twitter.


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