LEADER celebration event


Projects that have been running across Pembrokeshire came together to promote and celebrate their achievements after receiving funding from LEADER; a method of delivering support to communities for rural development.

Members of the Local Action Group for Pembrokeshire, Arwain Sir Benfro and PLANED staff who administer the LEADER funding welcomed a range of projects at a celebration event in Scolton Manor.

Guests at the event heard from Holly Cross from Cwm Arian Renewable Energy.  Holly spoke about how an initial grant of LEADER funding enabled them to secure further funding and to do more than they had originally hoped for, with all their original targets exceeded. The group are just about to have a community wind turbine built which will generate thousands of pounds for the local area.

Stella Hooper from Milford Haven Port Authority gave us a glimpse of the exciting plans for the Quay Stores building on Milford Waterfront.  A LEADER funded feasibility study has helped the Port Authority generate options for multi-purpose auditorium space, with places to eat and drink.  Helping to attract top entertainment acts to the County, as well as providing a space for both commercial and community use.

Finally, Lizzie Stonhold spoke about Coast Lines Drawn Together, and how the quiet act of drawing together has reached so many and culminated in an exhibition of work in the National Museum in Cardiff.  Lizzie emphasised the importance of a locally managed fund and how grateful she was to the LEADER team for their support.

Emyr John, LEADER Project Coordinator said: “As PLANED we have a history of delivering LEADER in Pembrokeshire and are really proud of the number and the range of projects which have been supported.  We currently have 66 projects approved in the county and a number of cooperation projects working with partners outside of Pembrokeshire.

“The event provided an excellent opportunity for networking, hearing about other LEADER projects, and exploring project ideas for the future, supported by the great team we now have in place in PLANED. Our thanks also to the wonderful team at Scolton Manor for all their work and for hosting us so well.”

Digwyddiad dathlu LEADER

Daeth prosiectau sydd wedi bod yn rhedeg ledled Sir Benfro ynghyd i hyrwyddo a dathlu eu llwyddiannau ar ôl derbyn cyllid gan LEADER; dull o ddarparu cymorth i gymunedau ar gyfer datblygu gwledig.

Croesawodd aelodau’r Grŵp Gweithredu Lleol ar gyfer Sir Benfro, Arwain Syr Benfro a staff PLANED sy’n gweinyddu cyllid LEADER ystod o brosiectau mewn digwyddiad dathlu yn Scolton Manor.

Clywodd gwesteion yn y digwyddiad gan Holly Cross gan Cwm Arian Renewable Energy. Dangosodd Holly sut roedd ychydig o gyllid LEADER yn eu galluogi i sicrhau mwy o gyllid ac i wneud mwy nag yr oeddent wedi gobeithio amdano yn wreiddiol, gyda’u holl dargedau gwreiddiol wedi eu rhagori. Mae’r grŵp ar fin cael tyrbin gwynt cymunedol wedi’i adeiladu a fydd yn cynhyrchu miloedd o bunnoedd i’r ardal leol.

Rhoddodd Stella Hooper o Awdurdod Porthladd Aberdaugleddau gip inni o’r cynlluniau cyffrous ar gyfer adeilad Quay Stores ar lannau Aberdaugleddau. Mae astudiaeth ddichonoldeb a ariennir gan LEADER wedi helpu’r Awdurdod Porthladd i gynhyrchu opsiynau ar gyfer gofod awditoriwm amlbwrpas, gyda lleoedd i fwyta ac yfed. Helpu i ddenu gweithredoedd adloniant gorau i’r Sir, ynghyd â darparu lle at ddefnydd masnachol a chymunedol.

Yn olaf, siaradodd Lizzie Stonhold am Coast Lines Drawn Gyda’n Gilydd, a sut mae’r weithred dawel o dynnu at ei gilydd wedi cyrraedd cymaint ac wedi arwain at arddangosfa o waith yn yr Amgueddfa Genedlaethol yng Nghaerdydd. Pwysleisiodd Lizzie bwysigrwydd cronfa a reolir yn lleol a pha mor ddiolchgar oedd hi i’r tîm LEADER am eu cefnogaeth.

Dywedodd Emyr John, Cydlynydd Prosiect LEADER: “Fel PLANED mae gennym hanes o ddarparu LEADER yn Sir Benfro, ac rydym yn falch iawn o’r nifer a’r ystod o brosiectau sydd wedi cael eu cefnogi. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym 66 o brosiectau wedi eu cymeradwyo yn y sir a nifer o brosiectau cydweithredol yn gweithio â phartneriaid y tu allan i Sir Benfro.

” Roedd yn gyfle i rwydweithio, clywed am brosiectau LEADER eraill, ac archwilio syniadau prosiect ar gyfer y dyfodol, gyda chefnogaeth y tîm gwych sydd gennym ar waith yn PLANED. Roedd y digwyddiad yn gyfle i rwydweithio, clywed am brosiectau LEADER eraill, ac archwilio syniadau prosiect ar gyfer y dyfodol, gyda chefnogaeth y tîm gwych sydd gennym ar waith yn PLANED. Ein diolch hefyd i’r tîm gwych yn Scolton Manor am eu holl waith ac am ein croesawu cystal. “

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