Tips to Make Your Office a More Welcoming Space


After a few months of working from home, many of us would be forgiven for not wanting to swap our jogging bottoms for black trousers or having to speak to anyone in person ever again, but as the ‘new’ normal slowly takes shape, employees are being encouraged back into the office.

That said, it would be unsurprising if employees had a few new ideas about what they would like to change about their office. Read on to find out how employers can not only help employees adjust back into office life, but also make the working environment a space that employees do not mind being in.

Backto-office perks

Coming from somewhere where they can eat any snack at will, many employees will want to enjoy the same freedom at work, so some perks for being back in the office can go a long way to making the transition back to the office smooth. Maybe it is a box of doughnuts every Tuesday, a hump day pub lunch, or a fry-up Friday to bring the team together over breakfast. Whatever it is, consider some of the reasons why employees might not mind coming into work, and maybe even look forward to it.

Crank up the fun

After coming back from working at home, somewhere where employees could decide when they took a break, made a cup of tea or just stretched their legs for 5 minutes, the shift in dynamic may not come easy. Any respectable workplace will offer an element of trust and autonomy, but going the extra mile will make a big difference.
Consider football tables or a pool table so employees have somewhere to go to blow off steam, but also have the option of playing with their team members, which is something that is not an option at home!

Listen to your employees

It will only be natural that employees will have some concerns and suggestions when coming back to work in the office. To make this transition a success, it is important that employers listen to their employee’s thoughts and take into consideration any changes that may be beneficial. It is highly likely that everyone will be in different frames of mind, and working from home will have affected everyone in a variety of ways, so it is important to be mindful and accommodating of that so the office is a welcoming space.

Create an open environment

It is now more important than ever that we feel like we are in solidarity with each other and looking out for each other. When it comes to work, office culture has the potential to be extremely rewarding, or the polar opposite. Make sure there are meaningful meetings, plenty of praise and acknowledgement for team members and that there is a place for everyone to speak openly. This collective mindset of working together can help bring some stability back into our daily lives.

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