Burry Port News (we 27th February 2011)


 Burry Port News (we 27th February 2011)

British Legion Meeting

The Burry Port British Legion are holding their Annual General Meeting on Monday 14th March at 8pm prompt. A copy of the agenda is posted on the notice board in the club. As many members as possible are urged to attend.


Cefn Sidan U3a

  • The Burry Port and Pembrey U3A group meetings in March include Monday 7th is the committee meeting at 10.30am and the computer group at 2.15pm.
  • Tuesday 8th is craft group at 2.15pm.
  • Wednesday 9th the business, theatre and excursion group coffee morning is at 11am.
  • The gardening group meeting on Monday 14th at 10.30am when Heather Henderson will speak on ‘Flowers as Medicine’.
  • Tuesday 15th is the film group at 2.15pm showing The Proud Valley with Paul Robeson. Also on at 10.30am is the local history group talk by Jeremy Johns on the Gwilli Railway and the short walk group in the afternoon contact Jill on 834061.
  • The main monthly meeting on Monday 21st at 2.15pm has the subject Best of Enemies.
  • Tuesday 22nd the short walk group in the afternoon contact Jill as before.
  • Monday 28th is the drama group production.

There is Welsh every Friday afternoon at 2.15pm. Meetings usually take place in the Memorial Hall annexe or side rooms, except the walking groups. New members will be most welcome. Enquiries to Penny on 836969 or Chris on 834232.


Spring Show

A reminder to the members of Pembrey and Burry Port Gardening Club that the Spring Show will be on Monday 7th March at 7pm in the Community Hall, Pembrey. The classes are: Container of homegrown Spring Flowers, Arrangement of homegrown Materials, Arrangement of Spring Flowers (may be bought),Indoor container of Spring Bulbs and/or Plants, or Outdoor container of same, Container of Spring Flowers one variety of indoors or outdoors, Decorated Hen’s Egg, Six homemade Welsh Cakes, and Easter Bonnet or Hat. Although the show is open to club members only, any interested gardeners or members of other clubs in the area are very welcome to come along and enjoy the evening. Enquiries to 01554 833490.


Slimming world

Meetings are held every Thursday in Jerusalem Chapel Vestry, Gwscwm Road at 5.30 and 7.30pm.There is a warm, friendly welcome for anyone wishing to join. Further details Sian on 01267 267505.


Coffee/Bingo Evening

This will be held on Monday 7th March in the Royal British Legion Headquarters. Entrance 40p members and guests. Bingo last books 8.20pm.

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