Concerned councillors to write to WAG regarding Llanndeilo bypass delay


Concerned councillors to write to WAG regarding bypass delay

COUNCILLORS concerned about the air quality in Llandeilo have agreed to write to the Welsh Assembly Government expressing their concern over the delay in building a bypass for the town.

The council’s Environment Scrutiny Committee received a report on the increasing levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in Llandeilo town over the last few years, to the extent that the air quality objective for NO2 has been breached.

Head of public protection Philip Davies told members that as a result of this a detailed assessment had been carried out. It showed that seven locations along Rhosmaen Street were likely to exceed the annual mean objective level of 40μg/m3.

He said it would now be necessary to designate an Air Quality Management Area, (AQMA) within the town and this would include a full public consultation, followed by more detailed work and an action plan.

He said: “The high levels of NO2 in Llandeilo is caused by large traffic flows combined with low speed of traffic. It is also a narrow street, with high buildings, which causes a concentration of the pollutants.

“The widening of the road is not an option, it is very difficult, the only possible solution would be a bypass.”

Councillor Sian Thomas asked if any research has been carried out to identify whether there were above average cases of people with respiratory problems living in Llandeilo which could be attributed to air pollution problems.

Mr Davies said they had approached medical practices in the area but this type of data had not been formally recorded. However there would be an opportunity to explore this further as part of the public consultation exercise, he added.

Councillor Mike Burns said: “Surely this is another reason for a bypass for Llandeilo?”

Councillor Hugh Morgan added: “The situation is not going to get any better particularly with a new shopping complex coming to the north of Llandeilo, it will be more difficult again.”

Councillor Jim Davies told the committee: “We have been waiting for a bypass for the last 40 years; it is a very long time to wait.”

Councillors decided to write to the Welsh Assembly Government expressing their concern about the delay in a bypass for Llandeilo; also enclosing a copy of the air quality report considered by the committee.

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