Test changes on the horizon


Test changes on the horizon

From 1st January 2012 there will be a number of changes to the vehicle annual tests as result of amendments to the European Union (EU) Directive that governs annual testing.

In order to harmonise periodic testing and inspection standards within the EU, the previous 1996/96/EC Directive will be superseded by a combination of 2009/40/EC and 2010/48/EU.

There will be new vehicle test items and some changes to reasons for rejection or failure. Examples include:

  • Light Goods Vehicles (LGVs) will see electronic aids such as electronic stability control, secondary restraint systems, wiring and LPG included in the test.
  • The Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) test will include number plates and a change to brake calculations by evaluating efficiency relative to Maximum Authorised Mass rather than Design Gross Weight.
  • Modern cars will see a rise in the minimum efficiency for brakes although this will not be until 2013.

To meet the deadline, work has commenced on the implications of the changes. Final agreement of what changes are required is currently being considered by the Department for Transport (DfT). Once these are known they will be communicated to the trade and public.

You can book tests or make slot bookings for multiple vehicles with VOSA.

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