Local Politicians in No Cuts Petition Action


Local Politicians in No Cuts Petition Action


Nia Griffith MP, Keith Davies AM and Cllr Geoff Thomas have met with Chief Fire Officer Richard Smith to hand over the Llanelli Star petition calling for ‘NO CUTS TO THE FIRE SERVICE’

Nia said, “The very idea of Llanelli which has the largest population in Carmarthenshire suffering cuts to the fire service is frightening and mustn’t happen. Retaining our current service could literally mean the difference between life and death.



The people of Llanelli demand and deserve an efficient and fast responding Fire Service.


(Photo caption) Nia, Keith and Geoff present Chief Fire Officer Richard Smith with the llanelli Star petition.

(Photo caption) Only 3 people were allowed in to hand over the petition to the Chief Fire Officer, so other members of the delegation waited in reception.





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