Town Centre Free Parking Joy!


Town Centre Free Parking Joy!

There’s good news for shoppers venturing to Llanelli Town Centre during christmas as the County Council have announced that there will be free short term parking.


Not only that, but there will be free parking for a year to the town centre while the regeneration projects take place.

Charges at all Town Centre car parks will be suspended from 10am every day from December 9th to 24th and will be for up to 4 hours each day.

Charges will be suspended in Llanelli in 2012 due to the disrution caused by the regenration projects.

Carmarthenshire County Council are investing over £50m in the town centre and Meryl Gravell, Council leader said:

“That does come with some problems to the traders and some disruption,” she said.

“We will try and encourage more people to come into the town centre and shop in the shops that are still there.”


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