Is Llanelli, still Wales’ Most Haunted Town? Part 4


By Jonathan Williams

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been talking to local Spirit rescuer Irene Allen-Block about her paranormal experiences and what she thinks ‘goes bump in the Llanelli night’.

This is the final part of the interview but we will keep up to date with Irene and any local work that she takes part in.  If you’d like to read all of the articles then please click here for part 1, part 2 and part 3.

Feel free to email us any questions or if you’d like Irene’s help.

How many cases have you worked on and how have the clients felt before and after?

I’ve worked far too many cases in 45 years to have kept a count, so it’s impossible to put a number on that.

Not all cases turn out to be paranormal in nature once we’ve gone to investigate, and some cases involved multiple entities, so the number of spirits involved is even harder to pin down.

What I can tell you, though, is that when a client comes to me believing they are haunted, their terror and feelings of helplessness are absolutely real. After we’ve been called in and the entities causing the problems have been cleared or the causes sorted out, the client’s response is often one of new found freedom, as if a weight has been lifted from their lives, and the relief is immeasurable.

What would you say to people looking to get involved in this line of work?

Think hard first, listen to your heart and know what you can bring to this type of work. Find a mentor you can learn from, and be prepared to work 24/7 as the paranormal does not perform to office hours only.

Do your research as no case is the same. Make sure you are protected; there is some nasty stuff out there and be sure you are dedicated; it is not a game.

What wouldn’t you advise people to do?

I wouldn’t advise anyone to try and handle a haunting by themselves. Find a reputable team who knows what they are doing. Do not use a team that is only out to investigate to see what evidence they can collect, in the hope of finding that one photo of a ghost that will make them money.

Unless that team has a medium, capable in clearing your problem, it will not get solved. I would also advise not to use Ouija boards or to keep doing recordings to try and get EVPS (Electronic Voice Phenomena). Many times whilst calling out to a spirit using one of these, people say the wrong thing, often inviting the spirit to come closer, or telling them they are welcome. This is not good.

Do not try to clear your house yourself, especially using salt and sage. If anything, besides making the house smell, all this may do is calm it down temporally; only for it to escalate when it returns.

Spreading Salt and Sage across doorways and windows just makes a mess. Since when did a spirit who has no solid body, that can also move through brick walls etc., need to enter your house through a door or window?

Sage in itself is good for those cultures that have it in their beliefs, like Native American Indians. Those being more or less nonexistent here in the UK, it is really of little spiritual benefit in this region.

What should someone be looking out for in order that they could contact you for help?

If people feel they are experiencing the symptoms of a haunting which are:

  • the feeling of being watched,
  • drastic temperature changes in house,
  • feeling ill or being sick all the time,
  • hearing noises,
  • seeing things moving or motion out the corner of their eye,

Then a haunting may be indicated.

All hauntings are different though and all will have different symptoms and different activity. These are just some of the more common things people might experience. The biggest indication that someone should contact SRI is if they’re feeling uncomfortable in their own home, if they’re afraid to be there alone or feel threatened, they should definitely contact SRI. And we can be reached through our website or either of our forums for help.

What should I do if I see a spirit?

My recommendation is that you just ignore it. Really, it is likely to only last for a few seconds, usually only a fleeting glimpse. A sighting only typically lasts about the same length of time as an instance of deja vu does.

So even if you feel it’s disturbing, or think it’s got an evil feeling to it, that is probably just your reaction of surprise. You’re best off to just ignore it and the moment will pass quickly.

A sighting is different than a haunting. This is just a moment in time. The chances of seeing a spirit are very small to begin with, and the chances of seeing it again are even smaller.

Most people don’t even realise they’ve seen as spirit until after it’s passed. The person viewing it has to be in just the right frame of mind at exactly the time that the spirit is manifesting for it to happen.

So, there is no need to panic or become upset. Go on about your business and they will go on about theirs.

Are you working on any cases in Llanelli?

At the moment no cases in Llanelli but I am working on one in Neath. That’s not to say that we’re not looking out for local cases.

Obviously the more places to investigate the better, it is a learnin
g curve for all involved in SRI we like to look at the scientific as well as the paranormal. Also all our investigations go out in the USA through the media thus generating hopefully more tourism for Llanelli and Wales itself.

What are your future plans?

Future plans are really to carry on as we are helping as many people world wide as possible and if I can promote Llanelli on the way all fair and good.

I have decided that any donation money SRI receive will go to local causes. Normally donation money received goes to a different country every year for good causes.

I understand that you’ve been working on a book, can you tell us about it?

My book ‘Among the Spirits’ is the story of me growing up, how I learnt to cope with what I was seeing and how I came to terms with it, how it also led to founding Spirit Rescue International. There are a few comical moments in it as well as the serious stuff. The book is due first to be released as an E book on Amazon and then as a paperback at a later date.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I would like to add here we are looking for two more team members for the Welsh team, driving licence is a must. If someone is interested in becoming part of SRI please go to the website and send your details by clicking on the contact form and one of my team in America will get back to you.

Click the logo to find out more about Irene and Spirit Rescue International.

Please email us if you have a story or believe that your house is haunted, otherwise Happy Halloween!

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