Loughor Viaduct Month by Month Work Schedule


Network Rail is planning to carry out around £40m of improvement work on the rail infrastructure between Swansea and Gowerton.

A joint scheme between Network Rail and the Welsh Government, this major investment will significantly improve the performance and boost capacity of rail services in West Wales. The scheme also meets a key rail strategy identified by the South West Wales Integrated Transport Consortium (SWWITCH).

The scheme combines two major programmes of work, the replacement of the Loughor viaduct and the installation of an additional six-mile track between Cockett West Junction and Duffryn West Junction. In addition, the disused eastbound platform at Gowerton station will be reinstated to cater for the new track. Combining both programmes into a single project means they hope to be able to minimise disruption to both the communities and passengers, while delivering the work cost-efficiently.

As part of the conservation effort they will be working carefully in the area with guidance from Environment Agency Wales, Countryside Council for Wales, WG Marine Consent Team to help protect the natural environment at the Loughor estuary and Carmarthen Bay area. In addition, they will aim to minimise disruption to passengers by carrying out majority of the work without having to close the railway.



Piling rigs will be situated either side of the existing structure, sitting on jack-up barges to enable work to take place during tidal changes.

Works to take place adjacent to open lines meaning large plant will be visible working 24/7 from June onwards. Any lifts within 3m of operational railway to be undertaken in line blockages taken on a 24 hour period and handed back for trains.

Spoil from piles to be removed and taken to materials yard, away from estuary site, by two smaller barges.







network rail august october

Once piling works to create the new sub-structure are complete piling rigs on both barges and the barge to the South of the structure will be removed from site.
The North barge will be used as a platform in order to install crossheads.

New steel crossheads will sit under the existing structure on the new temporary and permanent piled foundations through adjacent line working, taking line blockages when necessary.

Once placed concrete will be cast around the steel structures, again during adjacent line working from North barge.






network rail august september


Whilst works in the estuary are taking place, the newly excavated area to the West will start to take deliveries of the new deck structure.

This steel structure will be jointed together adjacent to the operational railway in adjacent open line working with the sheet piled walls separating worksite from railway.

The jointed steel deck structure will sit adjacent to operational railway directly to the North, in line with the temporary piles and crosshead and temporary jetty.






October/ December

network rail october december


With new and temporary piles and crossheads installed, the new steel deck structure can be positioned, adjacent to the existing, through incremental launching.

The steel deck structure will be launched in approx 20m sections between crossheads, using a hydraulic system. This system will drag the structure from west to east minimum 3m away from running rail meaning it can be undertaken adjacent to open line.

The North barge will be returned to the East quayside area and demobilised, a landing area for the deck will be created in this position, again using adjacent line open working methods.







netwrok rail december easter


With the new steel structure in its temporary position works will begin over the deck to prepare it to be swapped with existing during a 16 day Easter possession.

Deck to be concreted and waterproofed before new ballast and track are installed across the structure with two tracks installed to facilitate the Gowerton Redoubling project. Works to take place Green Zone working, no interface with operational railway needed.





Easter Possession

network rail easter


From March 23th- April 7th the SWM2 will be closed between Cockett and Llandeilo Junctions. This closure will allow works to Loughor and the Gowerton Redoubling project to complete.

During the 370 hours the existing deck at Loughor will be demolished using plant sitting on the adjacent structure.

The new steel/concrete deck will be slid into position sitting on new crossheads and two lines of track jointed either side in accordance with the Gowerton Redoubling works.

Possession will be handed back with two lines of track reinstated on the original alignment, running over the new structure.




Post Possession April/June

network rail april june

network rail monument

Following the possession works Carillion will undertake necessary follow-up works as requested by Carmarthenshire and Swansea Councils.

Temporary piers and crossheads will be removed and timber fenders added to the permanent piers. Crossheads will be chamfered to provide a more aesthetic structure.

A monument to the old structure will be erected in the excavated area to the west of the estuary, visible to the general public from the A484.






network rail completed

This information has been provided by Network Rail, for more information please contact them on 08457 11 41 41

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