Thought for the week from the Rev David Jones (we 28th October 2012)


British summer time ends this weekend as the clocks will go back an hour and officially winter begins.

The added luxury of an extra hour before getting up will, of course, be very welcome; far less will be the darker nights as winter takes its grip. Then again as I write the weather is quite mild and it‘s a beautiful sunny day and hardly what we expect for late October

It may be that the climatic changes we often experience these days are beyond anything we can control and have to do with natural global change. On the other hand most experts agree that our disregard for the good of the environment is causing great damage.

Increased emissions are destroying natural defenses and we hear again and again of melting glaciers which, if trends continue will all but disappear in generations to come. The natural order is under attack through the excesses of our lifestyles and there seems to be little appetite to deal with these concerns which increase year by year.

We do have a responsibility in ensuring that we preserve and care for this planet earth.

The Bible speaks of us being ‘stewards’ and that means we have that responsibility given to us by God to preserve and honour his creation while we are here.

In this lies our commitment to modify our lifestyles to ensure, as one environmentalist said recently that we leave only footprints in the sand and a legacy of hope and not disaster for those who follow us.

Rev. David Jones

Click here to find out more about the Rev. David Jones.

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