Dyfed Powys Police to Substitute Front Counters with Improved Services


Dyfed-Powys Police will substitute its front counter at Ammanford Police Station in Carmarthenshire with a range of improved services.

The front counter will be substituted by regular visits to local communities by police officers and PCSOs using mobile police stations.

The Force is also working in partnership with Carmarthenshire County Council to provide a new Public Information Point (PIP). This will be based at Ammanford Town Hall, from here the public will be able to:

• Hand in lost/found property;

• Produce documents;

• Access general information about policing services.

The Force has worked closely with the Council to provide their customer service staff with the appropriate training to enable them to deliver a high standard of service.  Ammanford station will continue to provide 24 hour accessible policing services and the public can still contact the police by telephone; 999 in an emergency, or 101 for non-emergencies.

People will still be able to speak with police by using an intercom, also known as a public service point, situated on the outside of the police station that connects directly to the Force’s Communication Centre.

Findings from an internal review into how the Force deals with the way the public contact them revealed that fewer people are attending police stations, a trend the Force foresees is likely to continue in future.

Chief Constable Jackie Roberts, said: “We are making these changes to try and improve our services to the public while also delivering £13.5 million worth of cost reductions across all our services.

“However, I would reassure people the changes we have made are designed to maintain and improve our service offering, while protecting front line resources and staff as far as possible.

“During times of austerity it is even more important that the public, police and partner agencies support and work together to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour to help keep our communities safe.”


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