Thought for the week (we 23rd December 2012)


What is there to say in light of the tragic shootings of twenty six people at a school in Connecticut twenty of whom were young children.

A gunman who within minutes destroyed the lives of the innocent and brought a country to its knees in sorrow and grief. Our hearts too go out to those parents and families who now have to face the future without their most treasured and precious children.

Whatever the inevitable enquiries will reveal about this most horrendous act, evil visited that school and left in its trail immeasurable grief and sorrow.

At this time of year we hear of shepherds, wise men and singing angels bringing news of peace and goodwill. What we don’t often hear is that Herod, the evil king was lurking in the background of the story who in rage and jealousy ordered the killing of the innocents.

God entered the world of his creation with no room at the Inn, the hounding of a jealous king and of the family fleeing to avoid his murderous intentions.

There has followed an immense sense of sorrow and heartfelt sympathy for those families from all over the world. How much more then is the sorrow in the father heart of God?

If we believe that love is at the heart of Christmas then we know that God is not absent from our sufferings. He cradles in his loving arms those who weep and mourn and gives us and our troubled world the hope light and peace of incarnate love.

Immanuel – God is with us!

Click here to find out more about the Rev. David Jones.


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