Think twice before drinking and cooking!


​It only takes one act of carelessness when smoking or cooking to result in a person losing their home, possessions or, even their life.

If you have been drinking you might not wake up if a fire takes hold, especially if you don’t have a working smoke alarm. Even if an alarm is raised you may have already lost consciousness through smoke inhalation.

Excess drinking can cause drowsiness and can make you less alert to the signs of fire, and even if a fire is discovered the heightened feeling of disorientation alcohol can make it difficult to easily escape.

If you do intend to have a few drinks this evening then here are a few tips to help keep you safe:

  • Don’t drink and cook – you could fall asleep and cause a devastating fire
  • Buy food on the way back from the pub, rather than attempting to cook when you get home
  • Make sure cigarettes are properly extinguished before you go to sleep
  • Ensure a working smoke alarm is installed, as this will greatly increase the chances of escaping if fire breaks out in your home
  • Test your smoke alarms weekly. Working smoke alarms save lives. Join us Twitter at to receive your weekly reminder #testittuesday
  • Don’t drink so much that you cannot take care of yourself, your family or your home
  • Don’t drink and drive and take care if walking home

For more information on protecting your home from the risks to fire visit our website at and to request a Free Home Fire Safety Assessment phone 0800 169 1234 or request online at

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