What is fly-posting?


Fly-posting is the unauthorised display of advertising signs, posters and stickers in public places. They are often attached to the highway for example on lampposts, railings, bridges, road signs and other street furniture.

The council has produced a fly-posting policy to show how it intends to manage the use of the public highway and other locations for the display of temporary signs and posters.

Why is it a problem?

The council has a statutory duty to keep the county clean. Fly-posting makes an area look messy and untidy and if not removed, the posters slowly rot, becoming more unsightly and causing litter. They also have the potential to distract motorists causing road traffic collisions; not to mention the additional burden on the council budget.

In addition, the businesses involved are gaining an unfair advantage over their law abiding competitors by not paying for advertising space.

What is the council doing about it?

The council does not want fly-posting to occur on its highways or public spaces. Any unauthorised signs on our highways and other public spaces will be removed. People caught fly-posting may be issued with a fixed penalty notice for £75, or alternatively prosecuted in court for the offence/ offences involved where the maximum fine is £2,500.


Community groups, registered charities and not-for-profit organisation may be allowed to advertise on the public highway for a limited period only, subject to certain terms and conditions as set out below:

Signs/posters/banners on our roads must be:

  • Notified to the Street Works Section by email to Streetcare@carmarthenshire.gov.uk giving a minimum of 10 days notice, accompanied by photos and dimensions of the signs and location plan of proposed locations. The Street Works Section will consult the Environmental Enforcement Team / Area Office / Traffic Management staff. Signage will be tolerated if no objections are received. However, should any highways staff deem the signage to be a hazard the right to remove it is retained at all times.
  • Have a minimum clearance of 2.1 metres above any footway or walkway.
  • Be a minimum of 0.45metres from the edge of carriageway.
  • Of presentable quality.
  • Be erected for no longer than 14 days prior to an event.
  • Less than three miles from the location of the event.
  • Generally be removed three days after the event has finished.


Posters must not:

  • Promote a business or business activity.
  • Cause offence.
  • Cause a hazard to traffic or pedestrians by virtue of its position or location.
  • Cause damage to street furniture and highway structures (e.g. street signs).
  • Be mounted on street lighting columns without the express permission of the council’s Lighting Engineer. Where such permission is given, the signs must not be larger than 50cm wide by 60cm deep.

It is also an offence to put up advertisements on private land without the necessary planning consent.

If anyone requires more information, then please ring 01267 234567.

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