Thought for the week (we 30th March 2014)


British summer time officially begins next weekend as the clock go forward an hour. An hour less in bed on Sunday morning will hopefully be compensated for by some lighter nights and some warmer weather.

I don’t know about you but for me this winter seems to have had the worst weather ever. So many having suffered due to flooding on a scale far beyond that which had occurred before. Although out of the news headlines families and business are still working to get back to some sort of normality and our hearts went out to see so many lose their homes and possessions.

Of greatest concern is that unless something radically is done in terms of flood defenses there’s always the possibility that this could happen again.

It may be that the climate change is beyond anything we can control and has to do with natural global process. On the other hand most experts agree that the recent devastation caused by rivers which burst their banks was the result of such change.

Increased emissions we are told are destroying natural defenses and we hear again and again of melting glaciers which, if trends continue could all but disappear in generations to come. The natural order is under attack through the excesses of our lifestyles and there seems to be little appetite to deal seriously with these concerns.

We do have a responsibility in ensuring that we preserve and care for this planet earth. The Bible speaks of us being ‘stewards’ and that means we have that responsibility given to us by God to preserve and honour his creation while we are here.

In this lies our commitment to modify our lifestyles to ensure, as one environmentalist said recently that we leave only footprints in the sand and a legacy of hope and not disaster for those who follow us.

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