Euro candidates visit Parker Plant Hire


Labour’s team for the European elections in Wales visited Parker Plant Hire in Llanelli yesterday, before going on to campaign in the town centre. When you go to vote on May 22nd, you will have ONE vote to use for the political party of your choice.

The number of votes for each party will then determine which parties win the FOUR seats for MEPs from Wales. Labour’s Derek Vaughan MEP (who has previously played goalkeeper for Llanelli) is currently one of those four who represents Wales in Europe, and Labour is very much hoping that he will be returned, and be joined by a second Labour MEP Jayne Bryant. The third and fourth candidates on Labour’s list are Mr Alex Thomas and Christina Rees.

At Parker Plant Hire, the candidates met apprentices who are supported by funding from the European Union, and discussed issues affecting businesses with George and Stuart Parker, Directors of Parker Plant Hire.

Derek Vaughan explained:

“Europe brings billions of pounds of extra investment to Wales and supports 150.000 jobs. The fact is that Investors want certainty about Europe, not endless talk of leaving Europe which is what they are getting from the Tories and UKIP. Investors like Tata, Ford, Unilever and Nissan have said that they will cut jobs in Wales and Britain if we leave Europe.”

“Already jobs are going elsewhere as exporters face the risk of a 5% – 200% trade tariff if Britain left the EU. The big new job opportunities for Wales are from companies looking to access the European market from China, Russia and India. They must plan years ahead, so many are setting up elsewhere in Europe to avoid the risk of tariff.”

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