Thought for the week (we 4th May 2014)


It looks as if we are going to have some lovely summer weather over this coming bank holiday. We don’t often have the promise, and I quote, ‘a mini heat wave’ with temperatures reaching 19C, but that’s the forecast I’ve just read.

If it’s right that’s good news whatever we intend doing this weekend. If we’re planning to get away for a few days or just staying at home to plotter around the garden. the weather, of course, makes all the difference. If not, and the forecasters have got it wrong, then there’s always the inevitable re- run of the ‘Sound of Music’ on one or other of the TV channels.

Hopefully that will not be the case and we will all be basking in the sunshine and doing our own thing whatever we choose to do.. Isn’t that why these ‘bank’ holidays are so special? A break from routine, a time of rest and renewal –with some fun thrown in the mix – surely that’s the magic of the day.

There is, of course, a Biblical truth, often overlooked about taking time to rest. The Bible tells us that God ordained a day for rest for all people, and we ignore this at our peril. We often hear of the negative effects of stress, and terms like ’burn out’ and ‘workaholic’ are heard more often than ever before. Life has to have balance and that can only be achieved by ensuring that we do not reject the God given gift of rest and renewal of body and mind; to take time to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation and to celebrate the gifts of family life and friendship.

Parents we are told need to spend time with their children who need to have fun away from their computer screens. There is a place for a work ethic but not at the expense of essential times of rest and relaxation. Hopefully the sun will shine brightly this weekend, if not then there’s always the option of watching Maria climb that mountain yet again!

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