Vaughan’s plans for Llanelli.


Vaughan Williams
33 years old
Plaid Cymru – The Party of Wales

Our Priorities:

Llanelli Town Centre

To secure a strong future for our Town Centre, Plaid Cymru would cut business rates to all firms with a rateable value of £15,000 or less. This would benefit 80% of all businesses in Wales. By lowering rents, this will attract more shops to Llanelli creating jobs and re-building our fragile economy.

The Eastgate development is to be welcomed but further regeneration is needed for the whole Town Centre to benefit.

I held my campaign launch in the Town Centre and regularly buy and shop locally. After extensive meetings with business representatives and local traders in Llanelli Market, the vast majority were concerned at how parking charges are affecting their trade and business.

It seems the Labour-led Carmarthenshire County Council is obsessed with penalising people who want to support the Town Centre. I have led a campaign locally and started a petition to scrap car parking charges in Llanelli Town Centre. I urge the Council to scrap the charges now!

Prince Philip Hospital

As a former cleaner in our NHS, I believe strongly that Llanelli residents need and must have access to a first rate A+E service on their doorsteps.

While the Tories are privatising our NHS in England, Labour are in charge of our NHS in Wales and therefore responsible for the reduction in our emergency services here in Llanelli.

Plaid Cymru is committed to saving and strengthening our NHS, we would recruit an extra 1000 doctors across Wales in order to protect local services, to reduce waiting times and improve access to GP’s. It’s time to put patients first.
I want to express my personal thanks to all the hard work undertaken by staff on a daily basis at Prince Philip Hospital and would welcome any ideas that residents may have on the best way forward for our NHS locally and nationally.

Alternative to austerity

The next election presents a choice of two futures. Westminster isn’t working for Wales. On 13th January, Llanelli’s Labour MP voted with the Tories for £30 billion more cuts to our vital public services. Plaid Cymru is now the only elected party which rejects austerity.

Plaid Cymru would demand parity of funding with Scotland providing our country with £1.2 billion extra a year. This could be used to boost the local economy this creating more jobs and improving resources for our schools, NHS and all our public services here in Llanelli. We would increase the minimum wage to a living wage, therefore giving a pay rise for 250,000 workers across Wales.

Llanelli needs and deserves an MP who will always put Llanelli before London and Wales before Westminster. Only by supporting the Party of Wales can we move forward to creating a stronger and fairer nation.

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