A short statement from Ed Miliband MP on the Launch of the Labour Party Manifesto – 2015 General Election.

Ed Miliband MP

In a statement released in the wake of Labour’s manifesto launch this morning, Mr Miliband said:

‘The manifesto I launched this morning tears up some old assumptions.

For too long, we have been told that what’s good for the richest and most powerful is always good for the whole of our country.

Under this government, that belief has resulted in insecurity for millions, young people fated to have a worse life than their parents, and public services cut back to the core.

But I believe something different: that Britain only succeeds when working people succeed.

And with this manifesto, I seek to follow in the footsteps of the Labour Prime Ministers who have built the great institutions of our country.

All of them called time on the old way of doing things. In 1945, Clement Attlee called time on the dark days of the depression. In 1964, Harold Wilson beckoned in the white heat of the scientific revolution. In 1997, Tony Blair called time on a decaying public realm and said that our hospitals, our schools, and all our public services could once again be the best in the world.

Over the last four and a half years, I have been tested — tested for the privilege of leading this country. It is right that I have been, and I am ready.

I am ready to put an end to the tired old idea that we will all be OK as long as we look after the rich and powerful, ready to put into practice the truth that it is only when working people succeed that Britain succeeds.

If we win this election, I will work for that goal — I will fight for that goal — every single day, in everything I do and in every decision I make.

I know Britain can be better. The British people know Britain can be better. Together, let’s make it happen’

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